Friday, May 31, 2019
Frederick Douglas :: Essays Papers
Frederick DouglasFrederick Douglass, a slave in America until the age of 20, wrote collar of the most highly regarded autobiographies of the 19th century, yet he nevertheless began learning to read and write when he turned 12 years old. After an early vitality of hardship and pain, Douglass escaped to the North to write three autobiographies, spaced decades apart, about his life as a slave and a freeman. The institution of slavery scarred him so deeply that he decided to pull his powers of speech and prose to fighting it.Douglass wrote three biographies about his life as a politician, slave, and abolitionist. However, the historical value of these works does not remain as primary(prenominal) as the quality of the works themselves. Frederick Douglass writing deserves recognition in the canon of great American authors, because his work meets the chosen criteria for inclusion in a collection of important literature. Douglass influenced many famous abolitionists with his literary wo rks, and this impact, coupled with his desire to write an expose about oppression in America, makes him a winning candidate. Although his published works, mostly autobiographies, genuine much acclaim from abolitionists, this paper explores the quality of Douglasss work from a literary standpoint. This paper also details the events shaping Douglasss impressive life and writing career. By examining the prestigious life and times of this black author, the reader will recognize the widespread influence of Douglasss writing on some other antislavery writers, politics, and hence, the public. In a look at his first and greatest work, Narrative of the Life, the following paper will demonstrate why Frederick Douglass deserves a place in the hall of great American writers. To fully appreciate the impact of Douglasss autobiographies, we must examine violent period in which he lived. Douglass, born in 1818, grew up as a slave on Colonel Lloyds plantation in eastern Maryland. At the time, abol itionist movements started gaining speed as popular parties in the North. In the North, pro-slavery white mobs attacked black communities in retaliation for their efforts. By the time Douglass escaped from slavery, in 1838, tensions ran high among abolitionists and slaveowners. Slaves published accounts of their harrowing escapes, and their lives in slavery, mainly with the supporter of ghostwriters. Although abolitionists called for the total elimination of slavery in the South, racial segregation still occurred all over the United States. Blacks, freemen especially, found the task of finding a meet job overwhelming.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Tragedy Through Misreading in William Shakespeares King Lear Essay
Tragedy Through Mis course session in William Shakespe ares King Lear Shakespeares tragedy, King Lear, portrays many important misconceptions which result in a long sequence of tragic events. The foundation of the story revolves around two characters, King Lear and Gloucester, and concentrates on their common flaw, the inability to lease truth in other characters. For example, the king condemns his own daughter after he clearly misreads the truth behind her dower,(1.1.107) or honesty. Later, Gloucester passes judgment on his son Edgar based on a letter in which he shall not need spectacles(1.2.35) to read. While these two characters continue to misread peoples words, advisors around them repeatedly give hints to their misinterpretations, which pave the road for possible reconciliation. The realization of their mistakes, however, occurs after tragedy is inevitable. Gloucester and Lear, create their eventual downfalls due to their inability to read deceit. Though these characters sh are the akin tragic flaw, the means by which they make their errors is completely different. Gloucester remains a poor reader because he is quick to believe his sense of sight. When his illegitimate son, Edmund, reveals a deceitful letter designed to incriminate Edgar, Gloucester is quick to believe him. Abominable villain(1.2.74) he cries out before he even examines the letter with his reading glasses. Edmunds trickery is conducted cleverly, but Gloucesters lack of disbelief is unexplainable. Even though Gloucester is a fundamentally good man he tends to have a pessimistic view on his situation, as well as the rest of the world. Gloucester displays his inability to read and comprehend reality once more when he begins to read the skies. ... to regain his ability to see but it is during the last act of the play in which the circumstances are completely out of his control. These characters both die because they are pushed way past the limits of human fortitude and competenc e. When Lear tells Gloucester A man may see how this world /goes with no eyes (4.6.146-47) he displays both of their misfortunes, but it is excessively late to prevent ultimate tragedy. Shakespeare proposes that their tragic saga is a mere game to the heavens. As flies to wanton boys, are we to th gods,/They kill us for their gasconade (4.1.37-38). This line generalizes the overall simplicity behind the tragedy of King Lear. Even though Gloucester and Lear made terrible, fatal errors the reader feels at the end as if it is mean to be their destiny.Work CitedShakespeare, William. King Lear . New York Oxford UP, 1994.
Fantasy :: Free Essay Writer
FantasyComparing and Contrasting the Fantasy Trilogies Daughter of the Blood and Arrows of the QueenThe trilogies Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop and Arrows of the Queen by Mercedes Lackey are both stories of new-made girls who grow up among characters of fantasy to become queens. In Daughter of the Blood, the story of Jaenelle Angellines throw together with extreme magical powers and the curse of being both Queen and Witch is described. It tells of her traumatic past caused by her gifts and also her recovery and the transition form childishness to adulthood and monarchy. In Arrows of the Queen, the tale follows an abused Talia as she becomes one of the magical harbingers of Valdemar. Poor Talia though isnt just blessed with being an everyday Herald (an excruciating task in its self) but she is also the Queens Own which means shes in charge of all relations with the queen and her only family member, the Royal Brat or more formally known as Princess Elspeth. As the story goes on we see the reformation of the young princess Elspeth through the eyes of her exasperated caretaker, Talia. While, as you can see, the characters and plots are technically the same, the novels differ significantly.In the beginning, the lives of the main characters are very similar. Talia grows up in a multi-wife household where women are plentiful and no one cares if a single female child is abused, so of course shes hit and raped sooner often. Then theres Elspeth, she grows up in a huge house with powers not seen in Valdemar in centuries. While these two characters have in truth no relation besides pupil and teacher, together they describe Jaenelle. Jaenelle grew up in a house full of nobles where pleasure slaves were abundant and her pedophiliac father resided. starting line at the age of five, she is continuously shuttled back and forth between her house and a house for the emotionally disturbed on her uncles orders even though shes not ill. At the hospital, her and the othe r patients are continually raped, beaten, and forced to watch the murders of others sick children. According to the story, a witch raped as a child goes mad unless, like Jaenelle, they are puissant enough to back away from the Twisted Kingdom. Unfortunately for Jaenelles fellow prisoners though, no one else is this powerful and because of the continuous supply of young witches, no one really cares when one is broken.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Veterans :: Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD
This essay discusses Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and its effect on combat soldiers pertain in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. The goal of this paper is to inform others about what the soldiers deal with during and after combat and the different treatments available for them to cope with and hopefully overcome this disorder. PTSD is an trouble disorder that develops when someone is witness to or experiences a traumatic event. PTSD has specific symptoms resulting from traumatic life threatening experiences. Symptoms resulting from the event must be give in in a certain way over a period of time and for certain duration. A person who witnesses two or more traumatic events in a short amount of time can cause the brain to release the hormone glucocorticoid which helps control the response to stress. When this hormone is low or depleted and a second traumatic event takes place before the hormone is replenished in the brain, the stress becomes even more intensified thus increase the persons chances of developing PTSD. Most people who develop PTSD get better but 1 out of 3 people may continue to have some symptoms over their lifetime. The main symptom of PTSD is reliving the traumatic experience through flashbacks and nightmares. Other symptoms include soldiers avoiding situations, people or conversations that would remind them of the trauma. They t kibosh to avoid memories by becoming numb, distant, or stop showing love towards others. Activities, such as sports, that may have been a ducky pastime, may not be interesting anymore. The person may also show signs of paranoia as always being alert and on the lookout for danger. They may become jittery, easily startled when hearing loud noises such as a car backfiring or when a friend dove behind a store dumpster after a store employee threw a florescent light and it made a sound like an explosion. In some cases, the person becomes angry, irritable, and even violent. population who are dealing with PTSD ma y start drinking and using drugs to cope with the memories, flashbacks and nightmares. Many feel hopelessness, shame, or despair. PTSD makes holding down a job much harder, and relationships can be destroyed when there is physical, verbal or mental abuse. Some people cannot deal with the continual flashbacks and nightmares of PTSD and end up committing suicide. There are several treatments to help patients deal with symptoms of PTSD and to have more productive and happier lives.
The Ever Changing Concept of Health Essay -- Health & Wellness
With the dominance of medicine over the past two degree Celsius years many historical wellness concepts have gone through various changes. The definition of health is dependent on ones perspective, be it lay, professional or from limits of specific cultures or social ideals and health policies of a particular time or place (Fleming & Parker 2012, p.30, Naidoo & Wills 2000). An exploration through history entrust reflect on the health philosophies of the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Middle Ages concept of quarantine and isolation and the religious theories of disease including a brief keenness into the renaissance. Subsequently, a discussion of health concepts of the past two centuries including 19th century sanitary reform, the dominance in the 20th century of the medical model of health c atomic number 18. This paper will look at the shift away from the medical model and the 21st century concept of health promotion and multidisciplinary care, using ally health professionals . I will argue that attention to the achievements and failures of the historical concepts of health, equips allied health professionals with an opportunity to objectively decide which of these practices have relevance or are useful in developing new approaches for positive health outcomes. In ancient times religion and science were tied in together when it came to health and everyday living. The ruins throughout Greece and Italy stand as testament to their ingenuity with creating and building infrastructure, but also of the peoples belief in the power and influence of the ancient Gods to heal illness (Krieger 2012, p.47, Hays 1998, p.9). According to Tountas (2009) the ancient Greeks were the first to break with mystical notions of health re-orienting medicine toward a ... ...model of illness categories in GL, Albrecht, R, Fitzpatrick, SC, Scrimshaw (ed). 2003, The handbook of social studies of health and medicine, pp. 9-23, Sage publications, London, available at http//books.go, I 1980, Changing concepts of health care An historians View Western Journal Medicine, vol.133, no.6, pp.532-538Vlahov, D, Gibble, E, Freudenberg, N & Galea, S 2004, Cities and health history, Approaches, Academic medicine, vol.79, no.12 World Health Organization (WHO) 1986, The Ottawa charter for health promotion, Ottawa Canadian Public Health Association. http//, C 2002, Concepts of health and medicine in Barry, A and Yuil, C 2008, Understanding the sociology of health an introduction 2nd ed, pp.22-33, Sage publications Ltd, London, available at http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
Introduction This report will introduce a five star hotel of ice dry land that is located in Zermatt, Switzerland. In addition, this essay will also introduce a business plan of the ice world that includes business background, business goals, website goals and challenger websites. The main point of this report is to analyse the environment of target audiences and website competitors to find the website target merchandise. Also research take ups to be undertaken to find what kind of usefulness suits customers of website tasks and to make a decision of how to design the website page templates, making page contents and tools. Moreover, the analysis process intends to increase marketing techniques and market share. Business basisZermatt has 29 mountains around the little town, which has the best ice resort in the world and where local people can ski all year around. sorbet world is built in the middle of the Alps Mountain range and has 70 rooms that include 30 deluxe rooms and 15 presidential suites. There are also luxurious entertainment facilities in the ice hotel, such as an ice bar, massage service and spa, so that customers can roll in the hay their relaxation time. In addition, the restaurant also has a variety of food from around the world that can make customers feel at home. The hotel has 90 skipper staff and provides the best industry standard of service to customers in this particular ice hotel.Business Goals The most important business goals are to increase market share and develop the benefit of the hotel, such as using the power of internet and social media to increase hotel popularity and build strong brands of the hotel. Although, respect of customers cultures is a vital part of hotel atmosphere, especially for internationa... ...tion from Internet. Use internet to reserve a room is very common to see, (Musante, Bojanic & Zhang, 2009) and its a good put on the line for hotel to advertising and increase market share. Our website has includ e some popular social media links that could help hotels to increase reputation and customers also can visit our websites in a very convenience way. Conclusion This report has shown that business goals, the objectives of a hotels website that with the two main competitors, comparative analysis of whats do customers need and want. In addition, this report also displayed the features details of a hotel, and how its shown on the hotels website. In conclusion, its introduced the some ways of treat people to view our hotels website, and how to increase peoples interest. Moreover, these programs could help the hotel to achieve their goals, objectives and target.
Essay --
Introduction This report will introduce a five star hotel of ice field that is located in Zermatt, Switzerland. In addition, this essay will also introduce a business plan of the ice world that includes business background, business goals, website goals and competition websites. The main point of this report is to analyse the environment of target audiences and website competitors to find the website target grocery. Also research removes to be undertaken to find what kind of do suits customers of website tasks and to make a decision of how to design the website page templates, making page contents and tools. Moreover, the analysis process intends to increase marketing techniques and market share. Business backclothZermatt has 29 mountains around the little town, which has the best ice resort in the world and where local people can ski all year around. nut world is built in the middle of the Alps Mountain range and has 70 rooms that include 30 deluxe rooms and 15 presidential s uites. There are also luxurious entertainment facilities in the ice hotel, such as an ice bar, massage service and spa, so that customers can jazz their relaxation time. In addition, the restaurant also has a variety of food from around the world that can make customers feel at home. The hotel has 90 maestro staff and provides the best industry standard of service to customers in this particular ice hotel.Business Goals The most important business goals are to increase market share and develop the benefit of the hotel, such as using the power of internet and social media to increase hotel popularity and build strong brands of the hotel. Although, respect of customers cultures is a vital part of hotel atmosphere, especially for internationa... ...tion from Internet. Use internet to reserve a room is very common to see, (Musante, Bojanic & Zhang, 2009) and its a good recover for hotel to advertising and increase market share. Our website has include some popular social media links that could help hotels to increase reputation and customers also can visit our websites in a very convenience way. Conclusion This report has shown that business goals, the objectives of a hotels website that with the two main competitors, comparative analysis of whats do customers need and want. In addition, this report also displayed the features details of a hotel, and how its shown on the hotels website. In conclusion, its introduced the some ways of treat people to view our hotels website, and how to increase peoples interest. Moreover, these programs could help the hotel to achieve their goals, objectives and target.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Explore Owen’s Use of Metaphor in Mental Cases Essay
Mental Cases, written in 1918 by Wilfred Owen, explores the damage and deterioration of the minds of soldiers as a direct result of the First World War. Owens finale to make known the horror of war mentally is discernable throughout his spend of facts increases his ability to shock it is his tactic almost. He describes in absolute specific the horrendous, physical symptoms of mental torment and emphasises that it was not only physical injury that left its mark, but that memories made such an impact that it could reduce men to wrecks. The habituate of simile a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in come out to suggest a resemblance, will be explored further throughout Owens poem Mental Cases.Whilst it is clear almost immediately that Owen intends to shock the reader, it also becomes evident that his aim is at once more refined and more complicated than that simple desire to shock. It is through his use of metaphor that he achieves this if he entirely intended to alarm the reader he could state in simple terms the psychological effect on these soldiers, but by using metaphor he explores their psyche in a much more visceral, provoking and sensory manner. The reader is taken aback by the words that Owen uses, but the hearty shock is essentially confirmed through his use of metaphor. The reader feels a deeper sense of just how horrific the situation is for these soldiers.The use of the words flying muscles frame word pictures of fragility and gore but the use of shatter as a metaphorical description of these muscles has a deeper impact it is the external imagery that generates the primary shock. only it is through the use of metaphors such as These atomic number 18 men whose minds the dead seduce ravished that we perceive a much stronger sense of their distress. The idea that the dead weed inflict so much agony and fear into the lives of these set-smiling corpses is a horrific superstar. And yet through this one metaphor we can appreciate the pain of their suffering so much more than through the actual, numerous images that scar their minds.One gets the impression, while reading this poem that these men atomic number 18 directly in previous us. They lose their individuality and identity but through Owens use of direct speech to the reader we feel their presence strongly. Through Owens use of intense imagery and metaphors we atomic number 18 able to feel a nuance of what they must feel in their unstable, traumatised predicament.Sunlight seems a blood smear shadow comes blood black Dawn breaks open like a wound that bleeds afresh.These connotations of death, injury and loss surround their every waking and sleeping moment. It is not feasible for these men to now know any different than the explosion of bombs, the raining of gunfire and the screaming of the dying, the smell of the dead, Always they must see these things and hear them. The prosopopoeia of pain, misery, memory and the dead all add to the sense of personality loss of these men. Misery swelters, they ar men that the Dead have ravished, memory fingers in their blur of murder. These men are not their own they are conflated into mere things through the metaphorical personification of abstract nouns. The contour line of the poem could be seen as a metaphor in conjunction with these mens loss of identity there are instances throughout the poem that could be related to anything but war but are then drawn back to the idea of battle.Ever from their hair and through their hands palms / Misery swelters. Surely we have perished/ Sleeping, and walk cuckoos nest but who these hellish?It is the ambiguity of these ideas that connects with the ambiguity of the men.Mental Cases could also be seen as an extended metaphor of purgatory. Purgatory, as believed in the Roman Catholic Church, is a state in which the souls who have died in grace must expiate their sins, a place or condi tion of suffering, expiation or remorse.1 Perhaps it is Owens way of emphasising the injustice of their sufferings they have done nothing but good for their country and are now being rewarded with the same handling of those souls in purgatory. Those souls who have sinned and now, only subsequent to their deaths are learning to be truly good again in order to save themselves from an infinity in Hell. Another short letter could be that it creates feelings of liminality these men are locked in something entirely different to anything we know, another world.The archaic use of the word wherefore provides a certain biblical freight to the moral insinuations of their conditions. These purgatorial shadows sit in a metaphorical hellish existence, the tortured gesticulations of their drooping tongues, jaws that slob their relish and their baring teeth create an image of dehumanisation for the reader and through the effective use of metaphor we can relate these images of disability to the s hell-shocked men, modify us to conjure up an easier image, one that we are more accustomed to. The images of the disabled are a part of our daily life whereas those of the shell-shocked have probably been witnessed never by the reader.Owens employment of androgynous characters in the first stanza with the use of these, they and their could be metaphorically symbolic of the Harlequin, first introduced in Dantes Inferno. The Harlequin, a clown-like figure with hardly recognisable human qualities, is a genderless being who is tormented with a mental incapacity in Dantes purgatorial land. The drooping tongues from jaws that slob their relish and the Harlequin share those inadequacies of the mind and are linked by a human form that is somewhat distorted the Harlequin through the use of cosmetics, reversible and without them, recognisable, these others by the perpetration of war and pin down with them forever. Dantes Inferno and Mental Cases do also bear other resemblances through the use of metaphors in part one of Dantes Inferno, creative punishments are used to inflict a mental and psychological pain on the protagonist.It is a pain which is purely vindictive and designed to inflict an emotional agony. This is one of two fictitious characters of punishment that Dante uses. The first he borrows from forms of medieval torture and is physically agonising to the victims, the second is the punishment for sins committed. The multitudinous murders that they once witnessed are the torturous punishments that are bestowed on these purgatorial shadows, but it is the punishment for sins committed where the similarities must come to an end. Yes, like Dante, these men appear to be living in a limbo, a purgatorial existence, but because we know nothing of their previous sins, we cannot pass any judgement on whether they deserve to be where they are or not. The use of this metaphor continues to create these feelings of loss and opacity.Owens ability to make his words physical is achieved through the use of metaphor. While some would argue that it is his intense imagery that feeds our imagination, others would dictate it is his capacity to connect catholic ideas with the torment of these men to create metaphors that allow us to comprehend their situation. While he manages to convey this sense of loss, agony and torment, he does so in a way that screams detachment to an almost harsh level. Throughout the poem, his sympathy is essentially non-existent it is important to note that he does not empathise with these men as such but states why they are as they are. We see this tactic to shock after his use of the metaphor in the trine stanza, lines 3-4Sunlight seems a blood smear night comes blood black Dawn breaks open like a wound that bleeds afresh.This is then justified, almost as if even the poet himself cannot quite comprehend the extremity of their situation as though he must write it down in its most brutal form in order to understand fully the exte nt of these mens perdition. The whole poem, it could be argued, is in this way a metaphor in itself. The poets inability to comprehend fully the post-war effects on these men, results in a wording that reflects the mental capacity of the disabled brutally honest, forthright and with no economic of emotion. We witness his explanation post metaphorThus their heads wear this hilarious, terrible, awful falseness of set-smiling corpses.It could, however, be argued that Owen is simply using this approach to present to the reader the defect of shell-shock. Throughout WW1, shell-shock was considered to be a neurological illness and, as a result of the war, something that should be pitied, apologised for and something that should not lead to the social outcast of its victims. This did not, however neuter the treatment of these victims. It was easy to pity them from afar but when confronted by them, people would have been uncomfortable, uneasy and awkward. This would arise from the inabil ity to converse with the afflicted, the appearance of their fretted sockets and hideous awful falseness. Owen, it must be understood is not like these healthy but distanced people he embraces the soldiers pain and converts it into a metaphor so vivid, enabling us to understand more their predicament.In conclusion, Owens use of metaphor is used to such a successful extent, that it allows the reader to imagine a type of person inflicted with the horrors of war in a way that would not be possible otherwise. It is, I feel, important to re-iterate the significant difference between imagery and metaphor. Yes, Owens use of powerful imagery is used effectively, but it is through his use of unrelenting metaphor that we receive an insight into the broken, dishevelled minds and bodies of the shell-shocked soldiers of World War One.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Ethical dilemma in nursing profession Essay
honorable plight in nursing professionIntroduction morals is the study of sensitive reckoning. Nurses face respectable dilemmas on their every day practices. honourable behavior depends on many factors. What one person regard as moral whitethorn be different from another persons approach of the situation? Nurses face good dilemma disregardless of where they function in wide-ranging roles. These ethical closings can have an impact to the nurses as well as their perseverings. In general, there is no appropriate resolution to a moral dilemma. An ethical dilemma can be defined as a quandary without agreeable solution. The importance of ethical decision making depend on the notion that regardless of many ethical choices made occupying a given ethical dilemma, the resultant choice can pose to neither right nor wrong decision. Ethics get doing right and causing no impairment. However, definition of moral philosophy varies from one nurse to the other. Ethical guideline classes p rovide the nurse with appropriate tools to base moral decisions upon. Though, these principles ar usually shaped by the beliefs, values and knowledge of the nurse. Accordingly, various choices may be raised regarding the identical impasse (Martin & Solomon, 2010). There be various ethical concerns that nurses can come across in the place of work. They include freedom versus control, gauge versus quantity of vitality, truth telling versus deception, pro-choice versus pro-life, empirical knowledge versus private beliefs, and distribution of resources. Quantity mogul focus on an individual life span while quantity focuses on the number of people who allow be influenced by the judgment. Quality address the goodness of life of a person, but it varies depending on how an individual defines good. For example the nurses position in supporting the diligent deciding among a therapy that will lengthen life, but comprehending the quality of life. The patients life may be extended, but will experience major undesirable effects from the therapy. Nurses be called upon to use ethical perceptions in delivering patient criminal maintenance. Ethical perceptions include provision of patch up, good and rational care. Patients film to be offered prospects to put across their freedom of preference in determining how they desire to be attended and in acquiring services. Ethical nurses recognize that they are obliged to offer individualized care which will aid the patient to achieve their highest welfare. Ethical nursing care is based on rational decision making and science. There are four central concepts which are significant to a proficient nursing practice. They include respect for patient self-rule, the task to blend in with generosity, no mischief and justice. Nurses provide respect to the patient self-rule by enhancing and recognizing a patients freedom of preference, respect their opinions, and providing privacy. The National League for breast feeding issued a s tatement which highlights patient rights. Nurses are expected to encourage the rights of patients and advocate for patients who are unaware of their rights (Pattison, 2010). Nurses demonstrate generosity by serving patients to attain their highest welfare. This can be attained by developing health care policies that affect large population or provision of direct care to individual patients. Nurses are not allowed to cause any impairment to their patients. This is the principal of non-mischief. Nurses often do have to carry out operations which yield the patients uncomfortable. For example, when a nurse is administering an injection to the patient. Patients need medication to relief the sicknesses, though, in the process of relieving the symptom, the nurse might cause a discomfort. Non-mischief must be balanced by kindness, while providing patient care. The objective of the nurse provides a discussion whose benefit must outweigh the discomfort caused. The nurse objective must be t o help rather than causing harm. Fairness and justice in nursing care is usually linked to the delivery of services. The current health care reform scheme is an end result of people acknowledging that the feed health care system requires restructuring. Controversy arises over what is reasonable, fair, and economically realistic. Nurses are involved at every shape of current health care system, assisting with policy development and decision making. Professionals propose that nursing concept of ethical care is exceptional case and needs beneficial implementation throughout the nursing practice. It is related to medical model of ethics since it deals with lie and death matters. The nursing model is one of the personal patient empowerment. Ethical nurses direct health care reform plan which put emphasis on healing even in situations where curing is impossible. It position quality of life at the front line. Ethical dilemmas which the nurses face everyday are very diverse. They includ e assorted topics such as end of life care and staffing ratios (Martin & Solomon, 2010). Nurses might face ethical dilemma as they attend patients with disabilities which might position them at risk for self-harm. For instance, an elderly patient might be willing to prom without regulation. The nurse desires to promote patient autonomous, though the possibility of patient harm because of falling may be large. The dilemma is how to balance the contrasting situations. The nurse is in a dilemma to decide which one is more significant among safety and independence. Each family, patient and health care staff faces these challenges in quotidian basis. Significant challenges may be experienced by nurses operating with parents who have infants with mental or physical disabilities. The nurse is left to decide whether it is ethical to worst the infant to an untested process which will inflict pain if it provides them with single chance of survival. The nurses have to decide whether it is ethical to prolong life while the quality of life is being comprehended. Recent research findings reveal that, nurses as caregivers central to health care, face an increasing rate of ethical dilemma. The technology is helping patients to demand out serious sicknesses. However, recent studies reveal that people are surviving, but they are not living decent lives. Nurses have a task of executing clinical and educational operations which deal with the issue that professional care provides. The other dilemma is that there are inadequate health care resources across the world. The resources are also not equally distributed. The nurses are left to ensure that there is equitable distribution of health care resources. Patients from diverse cultures and personal experiences may present with different opinions of what is moral. The nurse can serve as resource to make sure that every individual feels that their opinions were considered. They have to decide who should get the inadequate resou rces? For instance, nurses working(a) with patients living in vegetative state nurses decide whether these patients should be left on life maintenance? The overheads of sustaining these patients are high. The patients might be consuming possessions that could be utilized by patients whom such expensive interventions, if accessible, could set aside their lives. The dilemma is determining the position of the nurse when a family wishes to go on with life hold up for a medically ineffective patient. Retrieved from http// Pro-choice versus pro-life This concern impinge on nurses in person. Scores of the positions that the nurses are working in this dilemma depend on their own thinking and principles. The question is how good should a nurse attend a patient, who procured an abortion, while the nurse regards abortion as cleanup? Whether there is possibility of that nurse with very divergent principles support that patients freedom to choose her independence? Freedom versus control whether a patient has the freedom to make preferences on their own that are likely to harm them, or should the nurse put off this option? For instance, a patient wishes to embarrass eating, but the nurse recognizes the consequences will impair the patient. The dilemma is whether the nurse has the right to make the patient eat food cogently. Truth telling versus dis trustworthyy This is an supernumerary problem that nurses may possibly have to cope with, particularly when families wish to refute telling the patient the fact about the medical stipulation. The ethical concern is what a nurse should do when family members persist telling the patient the diagnosis will cause impairment? How can a nurse recognize if this is correct? Whether the patient has the right to identify? Pragmatic knowledge versus personal belief In this impasse, evidence based experience in nursing practice is compared to beliefs got from such issues as religious values. For instance, what the nurse is expected to do when a patient who has been admitted to a hospital that urgently needs a transfusion to survive though the patient has the conviction that transfusions are improper? The nurse recognizes this patient will pass out devoid of the transfusion. The question is how the nurse lays an emphasis if the patients members insist on the patients option and still be compassionate of the familys and patients right to this verdict? Ethical dilemmas in nursing occur in their daily practices whereby they are required to make decisions. The resolutions made will be coiffed by so many aspects including ethics educated in school and their individual values, beliefs and knowledge. The issue is that the choice might be neither right nor wrong. This leaves the nurses at a dilemma since they have to make decisions based on the situation. Ethical issues in nursing must be addressed depending on the changes that are occurring in the economy. Nurses and patient family members among other community factors determine whether the patient will get the maximum well being. However, ethics require that the nurse should not harm the patient. The nurse faces hard moment to decide between what is moral and the impact of the verdict. Nurses care for the patients by acknowledging their personal strongholds, motivations and other supportive resources. The nurse is also required to give comfort and guidance to enable the patient and their families to deal with short-run and long-term problems. Retrieved from http// The most crucial resources that a nurse can provide to a patient are the appropriate information regarding their treatment and conditions and the approach of coping with both. Anxiety reduction is also crucial in nursing profession, where the nurse is supposed to answer the patients questions in an honest way. On the other hand, the patients families may insist that the nurse should not disclose the information to the patient. Thus, nurses are left to make decisions based on ethical principles. The decisions made by nurses have an impact to the nurses themselves as well as the patient and their families (Pattison, 2010). Various ethical theories subsist, though none of the ethical principles, theories, or decision-making plan provides a supreme guide to first-rate action. They do, nevertheless, provide a structure for working through resolutions by seeking to describe the limits of ethically able behavior and by explicating guidelines for making judgment within those restrictions. In other terms, they facilitate the decision making procedure, but does not the precise decision to be made. In conclusion, ethical principles are very significant in the nursing practices since they guide the nurses to make their every day decisions. The nurses, however, face ethical dilemma since they are not able to decide whether they are not able to determine whether their decision is either right or wrong. Nursing is a profession that requires a lot of decision making since they are working to save patient lives, though they are required to make decisions depending on the code of ethics.ReferencesMajor Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved June 8, 2014, from http//, C. W., Vaught, W., & Solomon, R. C. (2010). Ethics across the professions a reader for professional ethics. New York Oxford University Press.Nursing Ethics Ethical Dilemma Faced By Nurses Everyday. (n.d.). Nursing Ethics Ethical Dilemma Faced By Nurses Everyday. Retrieved June 8, 2014, from http//, S. (2010). Emerging values in health care the challenge for professionals. London Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Source document
Friday, May 24, 2019
Time Traveling Art Historian
Through my travels of prison term and space Ive collarn remark fitting sights of the world that engender made an impact on my m both journeys through the centuries. One place I visited through my time travel was the Sistine Chapel and the exquisite works of subterfuge that are contained inside the building. The year is 1542, and I am exploring the town of Vatican City. I see that the Sistine Chapel has just added the red-hot art of The outlast Judgment no more than two months ago. This was one of the mechanic most famous visual art pieces.The artist Michelangelo Buonarroti was charged in performing a duty by Pope Clement in 1534, to create a fresco that would cover the entire wall behind the altar of the Sistine Chapel. It took Michelangelo four years to complete The Last Judgment, which was not until 1541. The artwork depicted the final judgment and the second culmination of Christ. The style used in the painting reflects the Mannerist style. The painting lacked the sense o f optimism and beauty that confine Michelangelos work on the ceiling. His figures in the painting were no longer proportioned, but looked twisted and grotesque.The heads looked too small for the bodies Michelangelo had envisioned. As I scurried through the urban center streets of Venice City to see to the renowned piece of artwork, I can feel the excited just flowing through my body. When I finally gazed upon the beauty of the chapel, I was in awe by the magnificent work of the entire painting. The fresco appeared as the figures in the painting were in movement. The fascination with the immense blue slope and various colors that Michelangelo Buonarroti used like touches of reds and browns kept my eyes from foc utilise on one spot, but the entire painting.The Last Judgment was Michelangelo Buonarrotis picture give tongue to was considered very controversial at this period in time because of his use of the naked body and the conservative society the artist lived in. Michelangelo was critiqued for integrating mythological creatures in the Biblical portrayal of his art. Even though, many individuals didnt like the painting for various personal reasons, The Last Judgment soon became a masterpiece for the artist. Chapter devil Egyptian Civilization The colossal Temple of AtenAfter being in Italy for some(prenominal) days, I obstinate to taken in some of the beautiful and dreadful architecture artwork in Egypt during the summer season in 1343 B. C. When I arrived in Egypt I made sure to get a guide to show me around the country. I traveled down the River Nile in a boat, taking in the scenery of the desert. For five days I traveled to Cairo, where my destination was to go to the city of el-Armarna. This is where the Great Temple of Aten is located. The city was a plain of desert land surrounded by many hills. Upon my arrival to the city, the boat docked by a platform on the east bank of the Nile River.Later I embarked on my journey of making my way towards the city of el-Armarna, Egypt. When I entered the city, I went looking for the Great Temple of Aten. I traveled north along Royal Road, in adjacent to the east bank of the river, which I road on a camel for several miles before arriving to the temple. When I came upon the Great Temple of Aten, I was surprised of how gorgeous the architectural structure was to me. The temple was for the worship of the god Aten during the reign of Akhenaten. It was dedicated for prim cult and worship of the lie-disk.With the association the city had with other gods, Akhenaten established a new city and capital at Amama (then called Akhetaten). Construction on the first architectural structure began in 1347 B. C. it was the chapel in the Great Temple. By 1343 B. C. the structure as completed and the temple was to be built. The temple has width of 300 yards and a length of 800 yards. Most of the temple was made of bricks because Akhenaten wanted to quicken the building process and using brick gave th e workers more swiftness to finish the job. Timber was used in order to provide the architecture with support for the surroundings walls and towers.The temple also housed public building in the inside that was constructed out of stone, providing extra support. As I stepped through the entrance of the temple, I passed through a couple of towering pylons which I was led to a hallway lined with columns called the House of Rejoicing. As I kept walking, I came to a corridor known as the Gem-Aten. It didnt have a roof, but only an opening that had shown the wide range of sky. The axis allows for the sun to be worshipped as it rises and sets everyday. The Gem-Aten consists of six courtyards. The first courtyard has a high alter containing small chapels.The second, third and fourth courts have rooms and altars for storing supplies and for the practice for worship offerings. As I kept walking, I noticed that the fourth temple had chambers that were furnished for coverage in the shade. The l ast court is the soaring Alter where offering for Aten is done. The temple has a total of 365 altars. Each day of the solar year and the dividing of the altars on each side of the High Altar it is theatrical performance of Upper and Lower Egypt. As I kept walking, I came upon the Sanctuary. This was the last structure of the temple that had statues of Akhenaten and his family.The entrance had an open courtyard that had three houses to lodge the priest who are on duty. With my mind still fascinated on the statues, I continued walk across the courtyard, I feel like I am seized by an army because they are various styles of statues of Akhenaten on both sides of me. This certain court that resembles the sixth court of Gem-Aten was utilized by the Royal family of Egypt. I decided it was time to go back to the main entrance of the temple, as I took on one more look around I felt a greater respect for the architecture that has lasted through the centuries.It was wonderful to see firsthan d the Egyptian cultures and how the society is devoted to their religion beliefs and culture. The temple is a reminder of a time Egyptian religion became monotheistic for a moment and how the Atenism of religion has been viewed as an influence in creation of future monotheistic religions. While acquiring ready to transport myself to another place in time, I start to feel misery in knowing that every beautiful piece of architecture that I gazed upon give be back returned back into crumbling rubble, buried under the earths soil.In another perception, its good to know that the ruins allow for be rediscovered by future generations that will still be able to give distinct insight on the evolution of the Egyptian culture, civilization and architecture. Chapter threesome The Late Middle Ages Maesta Altarpiece On my last time traveling voyage, I decided to visit Siena, Italy for the unveiling of visual art of the Maesta Altarpiece in 1311. The creation is by artist, Duccio di Buoninsegna a who was commissioned by the city to paint an altarpiece in the city of Sienas cathedral. In 1314, the painting was completed.It was agony watching di Buoninsegnaa cohere several panels of wood together so he could begin his creation. He had to paint the front and back of the panels with different types of paintings because the piece was to be located in the center of the cathedral where all the sides can be viewed. The altarpiece was painted using tempera and gold. Duccio possessed the confidence closely his quality of work he created because of the medium that was chosen for the art project. Tempera is a medium used in paintings that is permanent, which dries quickly.Its made by mixing a colored powderise pigment and a water-soluble binding agent such as an egg yolk. Duccio used this technique to incorporate in his painting by using tempera and gliding produced colors, which was essential in preserving his masterpiece through time. While taking a long look throughout the cathe dral, I think about how important the painting is to this era in time. I watched a parade of pack making a pilgrimage to the cathedral through the city. It seems like a journey everyone was willing to take because of the religious significance it stands for.I decided to go out and follow the crowd, in which I observed that the procession of people consisted of priests and monks whom were praying, and then the citizens of Siena carried candles followed by numerous other people. I noticed the journey was for the entire city to accompany the altarpiece to its final destination. It was an honor to be exposit of such a momentous and joyous event in history. Once the altarpiece made it to its destination, the procession showed an excitement that was overwhelming. The Maesta is then installed with the welcoming sound of bells coming from the cathedral.It was not too long before I was finally able to approach the altarpiece and examine the breathtaking art of Duccio Buoninsegnaa. On the f ront panel, the artist has managed to create a captivating painting that depicts the Mary (the Madonna) sitting on a throne cradling the baby Jesus in her arms. They are surrounded by saints and angels in colorful robes. While looking at the panels, I found myself studying the imagery of how real it seems. Even though it possess a new style of painting it has traditional aspects that Buoninsegnaa wanted to keep simple.It was a joy to engender the new style of painting created by Duccio Buoninsegnaa. He made his artwork look real with physique gestures. The painting is so captivating that Im so sorry that Im the only person that could time travel that could experience the artist masterpiece. It is wonderful to have a front row seat to some social function spectacular that the world wont be able to recognize as a remarkable piece of art until centuries later. Though it took much time for the new style of Buoninsegnaa painting to evolve, it was good to know that it will be later embra ced by the Italian Renaissance.My travels through the periods of history will always be an experience that I will treasure forever. The best thing about time traveling is that I can always go back in time and recreate any event in any period. Getting a firsthand lesson of the history of life-changing events is a gift within itself. I feel blessed and gifted to have traveled to these exotic cities and experience a beginning of history from the very start. I cant wait to find out where my next adventure will take me. Until then, see you after my next big trip
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Betrayal: Rhetoric and Ethos Julius Caesar
To get credit for the collaboration activity, perfidy 01, 02, 04, 05, and 06 A. ) Submit this fastener in A collaborationism Process. Then copy and paste the below information in the student comment area of A Collaboration convergence and Betrayal 01, 04, and 05 1. Date you attended the session. 2. At least 3 sentences explaining how Shakespeares story about Julius Caesar is different than what really (historically) happened in Caesars life. 3. Give examples of the leash persuasive techniques from either Antonys or Brutuss speech. logos, poignancy, and ethos) 4. Give an example of one traitor and one patriot with supporting examples from the play. 5. At least 3 sentences explaining what you did in the session so that someone who did not attend would have an understanding of it. 6. At least 3 sentences evaluating how well your group worked together to get hold of your task. B. ) Submit this in Betrayal 02 1. Complete the Lesson 2 Quiz. For the essay questions, you may respond, I attended the Betrayal continue Lesson on __________ (date). C. ) Schedule Betrayal 6 DBA as we still aim to complete that on the phone. If you are an honors student, complete the honors assignment before the dba. D. ) If you are an honors student, complete lesson 8. Lesson 8 Assignment 1. ) Choose which typesetters case from The Lay of the Were-Wolf you would like to defend. 2. ) snap the story to find examples of logos, pathos, and ethos that support your characters innocence. 3. ) Determine how to present your examples in a persuasive argument. 4. Write a three-paragraph closing argument for the rivulet that will persuade the jury that your character is not a monster. a. ) Paragraph 1 logos b. ) Paragraph 2 pathos c. ) Paragraph 3 ethos Julius Caesar Recordings a read-along for each act. Enjoy Act I, Scenes i, ii, iii https//sas. elluminate. com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback. jnlp? psid=2012-01-23. 1812. M. 18C7F05BEF4B1A91008CFEA56749A1. videocassette recorder&sid=67 9 Act II, Scenes i, ii, iii, iv https//sas. elluminate. com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback. jnlp? psid=2012-02-03. 107. M. 18C7F05BEF4B1A91008CFEA56749A1. videocassette recorder&sid=679 Act III, Scenes i, ii, iii https//sas. elluminate. com/p. jnlp? psid=2012-02-07. 0726. M. 18C7F05BEF4B1A91008CFEA56749A1. vcr&sid=679 Acts IV & V https//sas. elluminate. com/p. jnlp? psid=2012-02-07. 0817. M. 18C7F05BEF4B1A91008CFEA56749A1. vcr&sid=679 Brutuss Funeral Speech http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=ab68AjRMKmA Antonys Funeral Speech http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=Zd9BLib8448 Materials from Live Lesson and Play in received language http//vimeo. com/41708712Betrayal Rhetoric and Ethos Julius CaesarTo get credit for the collaboration activity, Betrayal 01, 02, 04, 05, and 06 A. ) Submit this attachment in A Collaboration Process. Then copy and paste the below information in the student comment area of A Collaboration Product and Betrayal 01, 04, and 05 1. Date you attended the session. 2. At least 3 sentences explaining how Shakespeares story about Julius Caesar is different than what really (historically) happened in Caesars life. 3. Give examples of the three persuasive techniques from either Antonys or Brutuss speech. logos, pathos, and ethos) 4. Give an example of one traitor and one patriot with supporting examples from the play. 5. At least 3 sentences explaining what you did in the session so that someone who did not attend would have an understanding of it. 6. At least 3 sentences evaluating how well your group worked together to accomplish your task. B. ) Submit this in Betrayal 02 1. Complete the Lesson 2 Quiz. For the essay questions, you may respond, I attended the Betrayal Live Lesson on __________ (date). C. ) Schedule Betrayal 6 DBA as we still need to complete that on the phone. If you are an honors student, complete the honors assignment before the dba. D. ) If you are an honors student, complete lesson 8. Lesson 8 Assignment 1. ) Choose which charac ter from The Lay of the Were-Wolf you would like to defend. 2. ) Analyze the story to find examples of logos, pathos, and ethos that support your characters innocence. 3. ) Determine how to present your examples in a persuasive argument. 4. Write a three-paragraph closing argument for the trial that will persuade the jury that your character is not a monster. a. ) Paragraph 1 logos b. ) Paragraph 2 pathos c. ) Paragraph 3 ethos Julius Caesar Recordings a read-along for each act. Enjoy Act I, Scenes i, ii, iii https//sas. elluminate. com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback. jnlp? psid=2012-01-23. 1812. M. 18C7F05BEF4B1A91008CFEA56749A1. vcr&sid=679 Act II, Scenes i, ii, iii, iv https//sas. elluminate. com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback. jnlp? psid=2012-02-03. 107. M. 18C7F05BEF4B1A91008CFEA56749A1. vcr&sid=679 Act III, Scenes i, ii, iii https//sas. elluminate. com/p. jnlp? psid=2012-02-07. 0726. M. 18C7F05BEF4B1A91008CFEA56749A1. vcr&sid=679 Acts IV & V https//sas. elluminate. com/ p. jnlp? psid=2012-02-07. 0817. M. 18C7F05BEF4B1A91008CFEA56749A1. vcr&sid=679 Brutuss Funeral Speech http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=ab68AjRMKmA Antonys Funeral Speech http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=Zd9BLib8448 Materials from Live Lesson and Play in original language http//vimeo. com/41708712
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Banyan Tree Case Essay
banyan tree Tree is founded in 1992 by Ho Kwon Ping.The first banyan Tree opened in 1994 in Phuket Island.The resorts were designed to amalgamate into the natural environment. Corporate StrategiesK. P. Ho thinks that company should consider the physical and human environment when making business decisionsBusiness StrategiesGoals one of the top two or three dominant players in a global space which is very niche but nevertheless very global K. P. Ho said. Scope Banyan Tree provides a luxury retreat for guests.The Banyan Tree target market place is narrow and affluent. Competitive Advantage Banyan Tree goes into locations that are non heavily developed and create sustainable resorts. Logic Banyan Tree intends to expand locate in diverse locations Differentiation Focus through a differentiationEnvironmental AnalysisSociocultural FactorsTerrorist attacks September 11,2001 and the Bali bombingsThe SARS outbreak of 2003Economic and Natural FactorsThe Asian Financial Crisi of 1997T he Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004Porters Five Forces ModelCustomer Buying PowerTends to be moderateCustomers are few in numberHigh buying power some readily avaibleSupplier Bargaining PowerTends to be highDue to the unique locations and high quality productsOnly a limited number of suppliers usable to provide these products and services Entry BarriersTend to be highLarge capital requirements and government regulationsSubstitutesDue to Banyan Trees niche market and concept it is important for them to be aware of readily available substitutes Rivalry Among Existing FirmsBanyan Tree challengerAman ResortsComo HotelsSix Senses HotelsOne and only ResortsAngsana CompetitionFour SeasonsShangri-La HotelsStrategic DirectionMission StatementWe want to build a globally recognized brand which by inspiring prodigious experiences among our guests,instilling pride and integrity in our associates and enhancing the physical and human environment in which we operate, will deliver attractive returns to our shareholder. Vision StatementTo build on its brands, Banyan Tree and Angsana to create a diversified group of niche resorts and hotels in strategic locations throughout the world, which would be complemented by residence and property sales,spa and gallery operations. organisational Resource AnalysisStrengthsWell known and reputable brand nameStrong brand identityBrand visibilityCustomer LoyaltyWeaknessesneediness of knowledge of target market in globalSmall talent poot to choose from because properties are in remote locations Organization Resource Analysis corporalUnspoiled,unique locationsOutstanding facilitiesSustainability Sensitive designHumanCEO is a major source of competitive advantageWell trained and motivated employeesCorporate Partners much(prenominal) as American Express,Citibank etc.FinancialProfits have risen significantly since the 2004 TsunamiHigh price to cost ratioStrong links to financiers world(a) Organizational ResourcesBrand and organizational reputation Aspirational brand positionKnowledge and LearningEntrepreneurship strategyDiverse culture
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Food Trip Essay
Revolutionaries and activists, tried of associating the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) with these words? Well, its time to change your thoughts. PUP isnt just for words like those mentioned above, please try to look at the brighter side. PUP isnt just the way you think it is. All the speculations about our shoal arent true. Actually, if youre inside our campus, youll surely have a wonderful time. The school offers delightful treats such as low tuition, high quality commandment and most especially, foods. I recommend you to go to PUP and I assure you a moth-eaten and an enjoyable food trip for you and for your friends. TRUST ME PUP has it all, from snacks to dejeuner and to every kind of foods that you will surely like. I bet if you enter our campus, you wont go out of it without being tempt to buy foods because of its cheap price. Be sure to prepare your spoon and fork as I introduce to you the best foods at the lowest price our campus can offer.1.Value Meals (2 0php 35php)One loving cup of rice with any ulam of your choice. These include dinuguan, chicken fillet, heat chicken, beef steak, adobo, burger steak, liempo, giniling, sausages, vegetables, etc. Imagine? With just 30php, you will experience tasting lutong bahay even if youre outdoor(a) from home.2.Buy 1 Take 1 Burgers (25php 32php)Say goodbye to Jollibee, Mcdonalds, KFC, and other burger producing fast food chains. PUP has the cheapest burger ever. With just 32php, we can avail two burgers and that is if you are in PUP. While in fast food chains, you will just be left with dissatisfaction.3.Clubhouse (20php)All the PUPians know this clubhouse is a triangle shaped get up with egg wrappings and ham fillings. Well, the best thing about this food is that it is served with free drinks. Yes You heard it right Its with FREE FREE FREE AS IN FREE DRINKS which comes in various flavors. As far as I know, it is one of the highest grossing and most sought food in the University. It is s o SULIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT 4.FEWA (33php or 37php)FEWA is withal known as Footlong and Egg Wrapped Around. It is a sandwich with footlong (can be either regular in size or jumbo) wrapped in fried scrambled egg with cheese and cabbage. Another reason why you would enjoy this food is because of its vendor who has great sense of humor. Wondering who? Well, better check him or, should I say, her? At the East Wing of PUP canteen. 5.Fruit Shakes and Juices (10php-20php)
Monday, May 20, 2019
Becoming New Yorkers
Many changes happened in the world in the past years. One of the most nonable modifications that ar observed is the development of international relations that involves divergent countries around the globe. Almost e actually state are giving due importance in beef up their diplomatic ties with other countries.This signifier of practice only shows the increasing vitality of the interdependency and collaboration of sever tout ensembley nation from other especially during this time of globalization. Another essential phenomenon that is also a clear import of globalization is the in-migration of the citizens of one country into another nation.There has been a dramatic increase in the immigration of the great unwashed coming from developing countries to go to developed states in guild to seek for greener pasture. Being the case, this kind of situation is also changing the very way of life of the countries that they go to. There are particularized shopping malls in a certain coun try wherein the immigrants are concentrated. Due to the difference in cultures of the immigrants as come up as the native born of the country that they went to, it cannot be prevented that an enculturation of culture will take place.Nevertheless, concentration is most observable in the certify propagation of these citizens wherein an immigrant will give birth to her child in the foreign land and raise him or her with the values and principles of two different cultures. As such, the dominating human race of these immigrants will largely contribute in modifying the perspective of people with regards to different important issues in the place they are in. It can also reach a point that these second generation of citizens will get to their own culture, which is a mixture of the way of life of their immigrant parents and the foreign country that they lived in.The phenomenon of immigration and the situation of second generation of this type of citizens are discussed in the book ent itled Becoming New Yorkers. This book is a collection of the studies conducted by numerous researchers with regards to immigration and its effect in the certain places of a country were immigrants quiet the majority of the population. Their study is specifically focused in the situation of New York, which is considered as one of places in the United States of America where immigrants are larger than the actual native-born citizens of the country.The methodology that the researchers use in the length of the studies deal with qualitative case studies most second and 1. 5 generation immigrants in New York. 1. 5-generation immigrants are those people whose parents were immigrants but they were born or substantially raised in the United States (Kasinitz et. al, 2004). The participants of these studies are all young adults that are defining their path of life in a complex and often very tough city. Most of them considered themselves as very different from their immigrant parents.They work in heterogeneous kinds of jobs and they have various educational opportunities. They view about race and ethnicity differently from their parents and they also have varying stand about important issues like love and marriage, relations with relatives, and the way to raise children. At the same time, only a minority of these young people considered themselves as mainstream Americans. In their everyday lives they have to establish a correspondence between the ideas of foreign-ness and native-born entitlement.It is a struggle between the statuses of an insider from an outsider. This eventually creates tension that is often referred to as the earth that makes them very much New Yorkers (Kasinitz et. al, 2004). In this case, it is vital that the concept of concentration is discuss in order to understand the effects of immigration to the American culture and its citizens may they be native-born or immigrants. acculturation is defined as the process by which the characteristics of member of immigrant groups and host societies come to resemble one another (Brown and Bean, 2006).It is also known as integration or incorporation. The process of assimilation has both economic and socio-cultural dimensions. It started with the immigrant generation and persists through the second generation and beyond (Brown and Bean, 2006). Social scientific observers that studied the last great ruffle of immigrants to the United States, which are largely European, assumed that assimilation was desirable and inevitable. Social scientists during the midtwentieth century perceived assimilation as synonymous to upward mobility.However, during the late 1960s, this idea was greatly debated because of the relation of assimilation with Americas loss of confidence in terms of the racial and ethnic problems that it brought about. It is at this moment that assimilation was greatly regarded as historically for whites only (Kasinitz et. al, 2004). Another issue that emerged with regards to t he concept of assimilation is the idea of becoming American. Critics of immigration believed that it is impossible to have immigrants that are 100 percent Americans and even their offspring cannot be considered as true Americans.On the other hand, the supporters of immigration believes that through time these immigrants will be able to acquire the American way of life and eventually forget and lose its ties with his or her native land (Kasinitz et. al, 2004). Similar with the arguments of the researchers of this book, I believed that it is hence impossible for immigrants to become true or pure Americans. The recent developments in communication applied science as well as the cheap cost of foreign travel even make it easier for immigrants not to lose their connection with their native land.In relation to this, I also believed that the process of assimilation indeed has its benefits and consequences. It is clear of creating conflict through the confusion of balancing various cultur es but it also creates spheres of cooperation that allow more people all over the world to relate and interact with each other. The outcome of the second generations assimilation is very difficult to foresee especially with the debate on the real meaning of assimilation in this present time.However, I deem that one thing is sure that assimilation will indeed produce cultural loses and cultural gains. References Brown, S. K. , & Bean, F. D. (2006). Assimilation Models, Old and New Explaining a Long- Term Process. Retrieved December 19, 2008, from http//www. migrationinformation. org/ character/display. cfm? id=442. Kasinitz, P. , Mollenkopf, J. H. , & Waters, M. C. (2004). Becoming New Yorkers Ethnographies of the New Second Generation. U. S. A. Russell Sage Foundation.
Globalization and North East India Essay
I.IntroductionEver since the terminal globalisation appe ard for the first time in the second half of twentieth pennyimeury zero(pre nary(prenominal)inal) a nonher(prenominal) word has meant so m some(prenominal) different things to different plenty and has evoked as much emotions. The forces of globalisation affect virtually every country in the world. It has receptive the door of m all new opportunities as wholesome as formidable altercates. All spheres of invigoration brformer(a)ly, political, cultural and economic build been subjected to both the positive and negative elements of globalization. With all its promises on the ov date of referencell qualitative forward motion of life and social consistency, some see it as the saviour of universal peace and prosperity. On the other hand, rising mercury of its negative elements some condemn it as a new kind of chaos. era everyone welcomes the new opportunities that has emerged one can non simply leave those negative el ements unattended. Therefore, the main task now is to analyze, understand and palm globalization doing our best to harness its benefits and keep those negative consequences at bay.1India joined the club of globalized economic system in 1991when its thrift is under the spell of fiscal and balance of payment crisis which compel her to initiate several(prenominal) structural adjustment programme and economic liberalization. Since then, Indias need out to the global leavence is getting larger. Today, feel at overall health of the economy and suppuration performance2, India seems to ease up struck the right none of the globalization string. With its vast ingrained and forgiving resources and ability to synchronize the speed of change taking place in the world-wide market, many capture considered the Indias economy as one of the most resilient economy in the world. none, the most pertinent question a musters in the recent years is has the benefits of globalization disburs ed to all the voices of the Indian conjunction? Certainly the answer is NO.Indias attempt to tackle the problems of income inequalities has been going on since independency under the primordialized planning system. It, however, failed to provide the necessary ontogenesis impetus to the poorer renders to reduce contributional disparities in any meaningful air in spite of four decades of economic planning. In the lay globalization era, considering the size and diversity of the country, shrinking role of regimen would ultimately be a failure to compass the set objective. With the opening of economy, relegates with better basis facilities, better skill labour and work culture, investor friendly surroundings and to a greater extent importantly states which can reform themselves in accordance to the need of the market oriented economy vex attracted much of the private investmentboth theme as well as foreign. These states have grown much faster than states which argon not, lea ding to siding disparities.3 This has posed a great challenge to academicians and policy makers, even though globalization is an uneven put to work with unequal distribution of benefits and losses, who must verify the benefits of globalization be distributed to all the contributions/states of Indian union. Secondly, to what extent the high growth valuate achieved so cold has been translated into knowledge for the well-being of its people?It is all the to a greater extent necessary to ascertain the magnitude of using because wordment shouldnt be seen as mere enhancement of national or personal income as it solo cannot serve the objective of securing the socio-economic equality. High growth post achieved so far is a big accomplishment as the resources so impartd could be apply for developmental purposes to meet the desired social ends.4 It would, however, be extremely injustice and misleading to interpret economic growth and economic development synonymously, yet a gen eral cynicism among the political circle in particular, as development covers much wider range and grade. In short, achievement of high growth rate should be reflected in terms of quality of life of the people. The failure to work out the value of high growth is the main reason for the rejection of shining India/feel good factor slogan of the judgement party in 2004 general election. This implies that the high growth rate achieved so far in the office globalization decimal excite could not be translated in terms of improvement in the quality of life of the common people.According to Sen any reform programme should consists of three Rsreach, range and a reasonwhich every responsible individual should analyze, understand and act accordingly. The values of high growth ofttimes depend on what the size, composition and record of that growth do to the lives and freedoms of the people involved.5 With the increasing concern of widening of inter-state disparities and leave out of de velopment, it is highly imperative to assess the effects of globalization on magnetic north easterly India-a relatively uncharted neck of the woods of the country-as fifteen years is long enough to give some clear pictures. With this objective, the benefaction study attempts to locate the clues of the following quarries has the region been able to gain from the benefits of globalization? What ar the major issues and challenges confronting or analogously to confront in the coming years?What are the unexplored opportunities that can be attach? This would require examining the prevalent scenario of the region in the pre and post globalization period. The present study shall cover 1980 to 2005 considering 1991 as the dividing year of the dickens periods. The study has been organized into five sections including introduction. In section II, a brief profile of NE states has been sketched. In section III, some of the issues and formidable challenges needed to be addressed sooner than the laterward has been discussed. In section IV, discussed the unexplored opportunities in the region. Finally, we conclude the study in section V .II.North vitamin E ProfileThe North East India comprises of eight contiguous states6 of highly undulating hilly terrains, covering 263,179 sq km which is somewhat 8% of the append geographical area of the country. The region is one of the landlocked regions of South Asia. About 4500 km i.e. 98% of its fence is with five different countries of South AsiaNepal, Bhutan, China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. No other region of the Indian union share common border with so many different countries consorting with the heartland through the tenuous 22 km Siliguri corridor.The region is the home of extraordinarily diverse mosaic of ethnic groups having distinctive social, cultural and economic identity, more(prenominal) akin to their South Asia neighbours than main land India. The total creation of the region is about 38 million, 3.8 per cent of the countrys total population, of which Assam contributes 68 per cent of the total population. Assam recorded the highest density of population with 340 per sq. km., which is excessively higher than the national average of 313 per sq. km., followed by Tripura with 305 per sq. km. Otherwise, the region is sparsely populated with an overall density of population of 149 per sq. km. display board 1The decennial growth rate recorded in most of the states during the previous decade is higher than the national level of 21.54 per cent. Nagaland recorded the highest growth rate (64.46 per cent), also highest among the states of the Indian union, followed by Sikkim (33.25 per cent) and Meghalaya (30.65 per cent). merely Tripura (16.03% per cent) and Assam (18.92 per cent), two of the most populated states, have recorded dispirit growth rate than all India level. The region is high endowed with bio-diversity, hydro- effectiveness, minerals akin oil and natural gas, coal, limesto ne, dolomite, graphite, quartzite, sillimonite etc. and plant wealth. Over 10 per cent of forest products requirement in the country are met from this region completely.The region has a very high potential to generate hydropower i.e. about 80 per cent of the total hydropower potential in the country. Arunachal Pradesh alone is expected to generate 2,67,474 MW i.e. 30 per cent of the total usable in the country. With varied geo-climatic condition, the region is ideally suited for horticulture, floriculture and other plantation fit outs. A variety of fruits like pineapples, banana, orange, lemon, mango, papaya etc. grow abundantly in the region. The region is famous for most number of orchid varieties in the country. Tea is the major plantation crop grown in the region and is the largest producer in the country add over 95 per cent of the total production. The region is also richly endowed with varieties of medicinal plants having high value in the international market. But, du e to the overleap of proper stand, transport and communication system and geo-political condition of the region these resources largely stoped untapped. author say of the Twelfth Finance citizens committee, p 61.The region is grossly deficient of infrastructure to tap the available resources and push the economy forward. An examination of the infrastructure indexa composite profile of the availability of physical, social and institutional infrastructure available in the states revealed that all the states of the region are at the lowest ring of the infrastructure index ladder. It shows that the level of infrastructural development in the region is almost negligible. In terms of human development indexa composite index capturing the three dimensions of human development viz. economic, discipline and health-the region have through with(p) reasonably well than most of the states of Indian union. Among the eight states, Assam ranked the lowest, which has been put in lower middl e category and Mizoram in high category while rest of the states are either in high middle or middle category.The success of these states in this regard is generally induced by the education sector. Apart from Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya the literacy rate in the remaining states, as shown in Table 1, are higher than the national average. The economy of the region primarily depends on agriculture sector contributing over 40 per cent of the income and employ about 70 per cent of the total working population. Although NSDP share of agriculture sector has make upd to about 30 per cent, the number of population dependent upon this sector continued to remain high even in the post globalization period. The decline in the NSDPs share of agriculture sector has been more or less compensated by the increase in the share of attend to sector.That is, the process sector growth rate during the like period is commendable. Nevertheless, the industrial sector in the region continued t o be in pathetic condition. Industrially the region is one of the most backward regions in India. Only Assam, and to some extent Meghalaya, have moved ahead of the rest of the states in terms of industrial development whose industrialization centered on tea, oil and timber. An examination on the overall annual immix growth rate of NSDP in the region revealed that there is a slight improvement in post globalization period though varies from stat to state.Source http// Note * At 1980-81 prices, ** From 1993 to 2002 only, at Current Price, a denotes Acceleration, d denotes DecelerationDuring the decade of 80s only Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland see higher annual compound growth of NSDP than the national level. However, in the post globalization period i.e. 1991-2002, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura have performed better than the national level. The growth rate experienced in these states is not only higher but a lso accelerating. Though the NSDP growth rate of Manipur is lower than the national level but higher than the previous decade and is accelerating. While Assams growth rate is lower in the post globalization but grows at an accelerating rate which is a positive sign. In the post globalization period the growth performances in the region have improved marginally.The higher growth rate of NSDP in the region is mainly induced by higher and accelerating growth rate of service sector. The higher growth rate of NSDP experienced in some of the states is not commensurate with the growth rate of per capita income. The per capita income growth rates of all the states, baring Tripura, falls below the national level in the corresponding period. While Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Nagaland have worsened, the performance of Manipur, Meghalaya and Tripura seem to be relatively better than the previous decade. The lower growth rate of per capita income experienced may be attributed to high growth ra te of population, particularly poorer section of the society.The section of population living below the poverty line in the region continued to remain high. Only Mizoram seems to have done exceptionally well in poverty eradication where the percentage has declined from 36 per cent in 1983 to 19.47 per cent in 1999-2000. In the remaining states there is only a marginal decline in poverty ratio. In 1983, the percentage of population living below the poverty line at national level is much higher than that of all the states of the region. It is just the reversal in 1999-2000-all the states other than Mizoram have higher percentage than national level of 26.1 per cent. Over one-third of the population is still consists of the most endangered section of the society. Further, an examination on the per capita per month inspiration expenditure revealed that the inequality in the per capita monthly intake expenditure has also increase in spite of the improvement in the growth performance in the post globalization period.In 1993-94, Assam has the lowest per capita per month consumption expenditure followed by Manipur and Sikkim. These three states are even lower than the national level of Rs. 328.18 per month. However, in 1999-2000, only Assam and Sikkim experienced lower per capita per month consumption expenditure than that of national level of Rs. 590.98 per month. The increase in consumption expenditure in the globalization era is quite impressive. At the same time, inequality in consumption expenditure, as revealed by the Gini coefficient8, has also increased in most of the states which is an indication of widening disparities among different sections of the society.This implies that the benefits of higher growth rate experienced, though marginally, in the post reform period have not been tickled down to the poorer sections of the society in the desired cubic yard and the problem of income inequality within the state has worsened. An overall scenario of the reg ion in the post globalization period is not very impressive as in the case of other region of the Indian union. This may be attributed to the prevailing geo-political condition in the region and attitude of the rudimentary governance in tackling the issues of the region. In the following section we shall examine some of the issues and challenges which required an immediate attention.III.The ChallengesBeing one of the most pretermit regions of the Indian union, overall state of affairs in the region is quite alarming. The unattended issues and problems of the past are being accumulated, multi-layered and have receive multifarious. Over and above, the mounting pressures of emerging challenges of rapid transformation need to be countered. The clock is ticking fast and situation in the region is very delicate which may spark off anytime from now if not tackled carefully.At this juncture the old habit of alibis and hinting would only aggravate the maladies of the past and tribal sh eik negative elements of the globalization. Instead, it is the time to think and act collectively. The region has more issues to be addressed and challenges to face than any other parts of the country. Of which, the three most important areas which require immediate attention are insurgence, infrastructure and governance. All the other issues are derivatives which would dry up once these three are addressed.a.InsurgencyThe problem of insurgence in the region has a long history. The insular politics and Delhi centric appeal of the Indian government is at the core of much of the discontents, widespread criticism, feelings of subjugation and judgment of being colonized. There is a uninterrupted fear in the minds of the people that their identity is being decay due to the submergence into the vast oceanic of Indian humanity.9 The people of the region started alienating themselves and the feeling of self-determination started to germinate. With the aim of preserving their own ident ity confused ethnic groups inhabiting in the region, undisturbed for centuries, began to differentiate among each other severing the local ties and affinities and started to struggle with arms.10 Thus, insurgence has mushroomed in the region and the secessionist movements, either for sovereignty or for separate homeland, began to lock horns leading to a erect division among various ethnic groups. Therefore, prior to any policy programme to resolve the problem of insurgency in the region, the political processes that has been framed and pursued to convert a breeding ground of insurgencies must be reversed first.Simultaneously, the attitude and security obsess mindsets of the central government should also change and embrace the region with open arms so as to restore the lost confidence of the common people. Insurgency is the major problem inflicting the region. With the passage of time it has increasingly aim more complex and difficult to understand as their objectives, role and activities varied widely.11 In the name of nationalist movement they were involved and interfered in every states affairs including household chores, like a moral police, of their people. Each insurgent group runs duplicate government. In a way, apart from Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, all the remaining states have multiple governments. The problem of insurgency has become the stumbling block in the course of development.It foundered every development strategy and hampered all the developmental works. Kidnapping, extortion, killing, bandh, strikes and curfews have become the order of the day. At the same time, the numbers and activities of the plain criminals masquerading as insurgents have also increased alarmingly. Today, the region has become the killing field and specialized in the export to death bodies, if not the manufacturing products. In short, the region has reached the pinnacle of the industrialization of insurgency and criminalization process.It would not be easy to fin d the solution. However, keeping in mind the rising global terrorism, it would be wise to work on a holistic approach for amicable solution sooner than the later. At the same time, what every insurgent group, operating in the region, should realize is that the formation of separate homeland or attainment of more autonomy or sovereignty is not the solution because within itself formation of new group with new demand can not be ruled out.b.InfrastructureThe rich natural and human resources available in the region could not be utilized to the full extent mainly due to the geo-political condition, including ever-deteriorating law and order, which has a lot of implication on the development of must needed infrastructure. The negligence of the central government in the past and due to the problems of insurgency at present resulted into the gross deficiency of infrastructure in the region. This has crippled the free flow of factors as well as products. In such a situation, it would be hard for the region to accrue the benefits of globalization. It is also not surprising to find the lack of FDI inflow in the region. During January 2000 to Mach 2006 the region received only 9 million US dollar i.e. 0.04 per cent of the total FDI inflow in the country. The lack of infrastructure, as revealed by the infrastructure index given in Table 2, has not only spoiled the prospect of economic development but has also created a horizontal division among various ethnic groups affecting the fabrics of social harmony in the region.All the constituent states of the region are internally lockedthemselves locked and locking out others, unable to connect with each other physically in terms of poor transport links, and more seriously, unable to make connections intellectually and aflamely with their closest neighbours, or even with and among their own people.12 It has displaced the common understanding and linkages for calm coexistence and regional cooperation. In order to reconnect the lost connectivity, trade and commerce and more importantly to foster emotional attachment among various ethnic groups inhabiting in the region infrastructures like roads, transports, communications electricity, banking etc. must be developed adequately. Such exercise would not only enlarge the institution for the growth of the economy in the region but also enhance the regional cooperation-an engine of growth in this era of globalization. Underdevelopment breeds insurgency and insurgency retards development. This two are mutually reinforcing. This is a classic case of vicious cycle of underdevelopment-insurgency-underdevelopment.Therefore, any policy programmes either to resolve the problems of insurgency or development of much needed infrastructure should go concurrently and not sequentially as it hampered the progress of one another. Further, as it has been asserted in the preparation Commission report on Transforming the North East, the approach of the central government should change from planning for the North East to planning with the North East.13 This implies that, under the prevailing circumstances mere allocation of specie or implementation of new policy would not suffice to tackle the problems in the region. Considering the emotional sentiments of the inhabitants and esthesia of the issues, the region must be handled with care. Every developmental programme for the region should have the consent of the inhabitants and demand to be executed with sincerity without delay.c.GovernanceThe state is responsible for the creation of conducive political, legal and economic milieu for building individual capabilities and encouraging private initiatives.14 It would, however, depend on the quality of the governancemechanism, processes, systems, structures and institutions that lookout the social, economic and political relationship. Good governance exercises its legitimate political power in a manner that is perceived as equitable, non-discriminatory, soci ally sensitive, participatory, transparent and accountable to the people at large. This includes not only the process of transformation of human and natural endowments to a socially desired ends but also reveals the long term vision and commitment of the state to secure human well being and sustained development of the people.15 The state of governance in the region is in pathetic condition.Government machinery is on the brink of collapse. Corruption, squandering of worldly concern monetary bills, deteriorating law and order, lack of transparency and accountability, bureaucratic rigmarole, insensitivity and so forth are quite rampant(ip) in the region. There is widespread allegation of insurgency-government officials-bureaucrats-politician nexus, including law enforcing agencies, and siphon off public funds. All this has eroded the individual capabilities and institutional capacities to meet the social objectives.Until and unless the quality of governance has been improved, no ma tter how much is the fund earmarked for whatever the policy programme initiated would not be successful and only the common people have to bear the brunt. Taking into consideration of the paradigm shift in the development strategy and the amount of funds allocated16 in recent time, we may no longer be able to blame the central government in the near future. The present state of affairs in the region is past deed of the central government and what the future generation will face would be decided by what our government has done today.IV.OpportunitiesThe economy of the region has been disrupteded by the forces discussed in the preceding section in spite of her rich natural resources. Besides the natural resources, many new opportunities have also emerged with the changing contour of world economy that can cost increase the economy of the region. But, the need of the hour is to focus on those areas which would lead to growth of the economy, develop the sense of participation and can ex tinguish the social and political chasm. The two main areas that can boost the economy are as followsa.TourismTourism is one sector where the region has comparative advantage. This industry is highly competitive where the tourists have a wide range of choices and look for good value of their money. With bountiful natures breathtaking scenic beauty, salubrious climatic conditions, extraordinarily diverse rich art and cultural heritage of the people, this region can become a hotspot for eco and adventure tourism.Tourism industry involves a vast network of business activities relating to attracting, receiving, accommodating, managing and servicing of tourists. These include hotels, restaurants, transport agency and several other cogitate activities. The development of this industry would promote national integration and international understanding, generate employment and revenue and provide prospective buyers for local manufactured products especially handloom and handicraft products a dyeing industry due to lack of access to market.Tourism can generate more employment per million of rupees spent than any other activities. It can generate jobs in the remotest corners for unskilled to highly specialized skilled workers which would help in the fruition of plan objectives. It would also enlarge the base of locally manufactured products. All this, however, would be possible only when there is well-developed infrastructure like transport and communication and sense of participation of the people of the region.b.Border tradeThe lack of connectivity and access to market, the main causes for under utilization of resources and weak resource-industry linkages, have set the economy of the region by half a century behind. The region has lost the markets in her neighbourhood, particularly in Bangladesh, due to partition, insurgency and diplomatic strains and tensions. Due to the peripheral location and stiff competition from mainland industries having better access to criti cal inputs like finance, technology and management, the base of traditional manufacturing in the region has been eroded leading to deindustrialization. While resource base can support a variety of industries at all scales, the existing industrial structure, dominated by small-scale demand based industries has not been developed proportionately. This has widened the gap between resource base and industrial structure in the region. Further, due to the restriction of free movement of men and material across the border, the notion of isolation has developed in the minds of the people. It is in this context, there is a strong argument to develop border trade.In this increasingly borderless world, establishment of border trade would not only provide an opportunity to doctor the local manufactured units but also serve as a transit corridor for the mainland big industrial units to explore the vast Asian market. This would also bring the centrality and visibility of the otherwise peripheral north eastern region.17 It is with this vision that look east policy was initiated in 1991. Unfortunately, as old habits die hard the central government still continues to live in the shadow of security obsessed mindset and prefers inward looking at approach. As a result, even after fifteen years of implementation of border trade agreement, it has failed to breathe in the regions trade with their neibhouring countries. As a result, Indias look east policy has, by and large, bypassed the region.The percentage of trade with neighbouring countries have zoom up to 8 per cent of the countrys total volume of trade in 2003-04 from a mere 1.7 per cent in 1987-88. However, over two-third of the total volume of trade with these countries flow via Bay of Bengal while the land borders of the region have been left for transit corridors for culpable trade . The tepidity of the central government in implementation of the policy has only led to rise in the porosity of these borderlands. An imp ressionistic assessment reveals that there is a rise in negative activities like cross-border insurgency, gunrunning, smuggling drugs, narcotics and AIDS, money laundering, trafficking women, illegal immigration etc. which further add to the existing multifarious problems in the region.Conclusionglobalization has become the most potent force emerged in recent time. It virtually affects every walk of lifepositive or negative. Unlike other regions of the Indian union, North East India is more likely to swamp by its negative effects. The region is at the throes of discernible crisis. Since 1991, there has been increase in inequality and unemployment, decline in the quality of the governance, rise in smuggling, trafficking, illegal immigration, corruption, squandering of public funds, escalation in insurgency related activities, etc. These have led to underdevelopment and erosion of the capacity of the individual and quality of life. A sense of deprivation has developed particularly amo ng the educated youths of the region. The clock is ticking fast and fuse is not long. It is time to work on a holistic approach to resolve problems in the region.Notes1. Chanda, Nayan, 2003, What is Globalization? approach shot Together Globalization Means Reconnecting the Human Community, YaleGlobal Online, http// program library/8/567. 2. Recently it has been argued that the turning point of higher growth rate in India was 1980 but not 1991 as perceived by many. For more details see Nayyar, Deepak. 2006. stinting Growth in Independence India Lumbering Elephant or Running tiger?, Economic and policy-making Weekly, vol. 41, no. 15, pp. 1451-1458. 3. Some authors even argued that coastal states with open port facility have outperformed non-coastal states in the post globalization era. For more detail see Kishore, Adharsh. 2002. Towards an Indian Approach to Globalization, http// 4. Sen, Amart ya, 2005, The Three Rs of Reforms, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 40, no. 19, p. 1. 5. ibid., p. 1.6. Sikkim becomes the member of North East Council on December 2002 after an amendment of the NEC Act 1971. Since then all development purposes of the state has been treated at per with the other heptad states of the region. However, the addition of Sikkim in the North Eastern Region is yet to be reflected in the literature of NER. 7. The accounting of the Special Group on Targeting Ten Million Employment Opportunities per Year over the Tenth political program Period has viewed that Current Daily Status (CDS) is the better measure to capture unemployment than Usual Principal and subsidiary Status (UPSS). 8. The National Human Development Report 2001 provides the estimate of Gini Coefficient for rural and urban area only. It does not provide the combine estimate of the two.11. For more detail analysis see Roy, Sanjay K. 2005. Conflicting Nations in northeast India, Economic an d Political weekly, vol. 40, no. 21, pp. 2176-2182. 12. Prabhakra, M. S. 2004. Is north-east India Landlocked?, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 39, no. 42, p. 4608. 13. GOI. 1997. Transforming the North East Tackling Backlogs in Basic Minimum Services and Infrastructure Needs, High take aim Commission Report to the gush Minister, Planning Commission, http//, p. 2. 14. GOI. 2001. National Human Development Report, Planning Commission, http//, p. 114. 15. ibid, p. 114.16. Apart from all the constituent states being categorise as Special Category States, establishment of NEC and induction of DoNER speaks the volume of fund allocated to this region. 17. Verghese, B. G., op. cit.ReferenceAhluwalia, Montek S. (2000) Economic Performance of States in Post-Reforms Period, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 35, no. 19, pp. 1637-1648.Bajpai, M. 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