Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis of Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay
Analysis of Young Goodman Brown nbsp; Young Goodman Brown by Nathanial Hawthorne is a short story that is very interesting, as well as entertaining. This essay will first provide a brief summary of the story, followed by an analysis of the importance of symbolism. The nature of evil will then be discussed as it relates to the control of the mind of a once naive and innocent goodman Brown. The climax of the story will be analyzed and the evil within this passage will be discussed and related to the final downfall of goodman Brown. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; As Young Goodman Brown begins, we are introduced to goodman Brown and his wife Faith as they bid farewell to one another on the†¦show more content†¦As goodman Brown states, `shes a blessed angel on earth; and after this one night, Ill cling to her skirts and follow her to heaven.(pg.577) The fact that goodman Brown claims that she is an angel put here on this earth demonstrates the fact that he doesnt want to associate Faith with the evil he may see in mankind. He uses Faith throughout the story in ironic ways. For example, `Faith kept me back a while(pg.577) can be taken to mean that goodman Brown is late meeting Satan because of his wife or because of his actual faith in the good in himself and mankind. This happens again when goodman Brown cries out, `Faith! My Faith is gone!(pg.581). He could be referring to his wifes encounter with Satan or he could be indicating that he has lost his faith in God or in mankind. A second symbol is Satans staff. It is portrayed as being crooked and black like a serpent. A serpent is thought of as being an evil creature so it is appropriate that Satan be carrying such a staff. It is also symbolic that every living thing Satan touches withers up and dies. This demonstrates how this evil apparition can suck the beauty as well as the life out of anything with which it comes in contact. The dark forest itself symbolizes the dark and evil nature of goodman Browns journey. Finally, the fact that the story takes place in Salem village is ironic in the sense that the Salem witchcraft trials took place there. 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