Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A Telephone Based Wireless Remote Controller
Information preparing phases of the transmitter and recipient modules have been actualized utilizing computerized segments, along these lines keeping away from conceivable utilization of ordinary gadgets like monostable multivibrators. Because of the completely advanced nature, the proposed plan is less mind boggling and subsequently the usage is practical. I. Presentation With the progression in science and innovation, individuals have built up an inclination to make their regular day to day existence adequately extravagant with the guide of innovation. This has prompted the advancement of many refined contraptions and types of gear that help them somewhat/completely in their day by day exercises. Working all such electronic/electrical instruments in a cutting edge house may be hard for the old just as debilitated individuals. Our essential inspiration to assemble a straightforward and minimal effort framework which remotely works all the home machines comes starting here. We incorporate our framework with a standard phone set so the phone can be utilized for the double motivation behind communication and remote controller for different home machines. The proposed framework principally comprises of 3 modules, viz. , phone interface circuit, transmitter and beneficiary. The transmitter module is thus comprised of a computerized information handling square and a remote (infrared) transmitter square and the eceiver module is comprised of a remote (infrared) collector square, advanced information preparing square and a disentangling square. In the plan, a phone beneficiary goes about as a remote terminal to give input Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signs to the phone interface circuit which changes over them to relating 4 piece Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) codes. The transmitter produces a 8 piece outline util izing this BCD code to encourage nonconcurrent correspondence. The recipient interprets the got flags subsequent to checking for any transmission mistakes (single piece) in the casing. These decoded bits go about as control signals for the activity of home machines. The framework utilizes a nonconcurrent sort of correspondence [1] in which the transmitter and recipient tickers are autonomous. The recipient clock doesn't have any earlier data with respect to the period of the transmitter clock [2]. This prompts the issue of picking the right testing moments at the recipient [3]. Henceforth the information is transmitted as casings rather than singular bits. Each such casing comprises of start bits, data bits, and stop bits [1]. This is clarified in detail in the resulting segments. At the point when the framework is inactive, the information preparing square of he transmitter gives steady coherent high yield. Since the transmitter devours more force in transmitting sensible high than intelligent low, the yield of information handling square is refuted before transmission to spare force in the inactive state. The beneficiary module additionally faculties this and stays inert at whatever point the transmitter is transmitting consistent intelligent low. The gathering of a beginning piece changes the condition of the recipient from an inert to a functioning state. It at that point needs to test the rest of the information bits in the casing at appropriate examining moments. The greater part of the standard equipment plans include the utilization of monostable ultivibrators at the beneficiary to recoup the information bits following the beginning piece. The monostable multivibrators generally depend on factor segments, for example, opposition and capacitance esteems, just as they frequently represent a significant piece of the proliferation delays related with the collector. We have stretched out this treatment to a completely computerized plan that presents all the more testing assignments including an advanced yield criticism. In addition, utilization of every computerized part in the information preparing stages decreases the spread deferral extensively. The total plan blueprint of the considerable number of modules of the ro posed framework is introduced in Section II. Results and conversations are given in Section III. At last, we present our decisions in Section IV. II. Configuration OUTLINE The square chart of the proposed phone based remote control framework is appeared in Fig. 1. In the proposed framework, the phone set plays out the double elements of communication and remotely controlling different gadgets. The remote control method of the phone can be enacted by squeezing ‘#’ from the keypad of the phone. After the ideal errands are cultivated, ‘#’ ought to be squeezed again to deactivate the control framework. This is one of the elements of the phone interface circuit, which is talked about straightaway. A. Phone Interface Circuit The phone interface circuit coordinates the planned framework with the standard phone framework. As appeared in Fig. 2, it essentially plays out the activity of getting the signs from the nearby circle and changing over them to the standard advanced signals in the BCD design. At the point when any phone button is squeezed, a novel DTMF signal is delivered for a brief length [4] which is changed over to relating BCD code by a standard DTMF to BCD converter (KT-3170) [5]. The double tone frequencies and the BCD codes related with each dialed digit are appeared in Table 1. The framework stays in the inert state until ‘#’ button is squeezed which sets the phone to remote control mode. This mode stays initiated until ‘#’ button is squeezed once more. This is acknowledged in the equipment by utilizing the BCD code relating to ‘#’ as the clock to flip the J-K flip-flop (74112). The flip-flop yield flips at whatever point the ‘#’ button is squeezed and this is straightforwardly used to control the method of activity of the phone. The DSO yield of KT-3170 [5] is utilized to create a beginning it for the framework as it is coherent high at whatever point a got tone pair has been enlisted and the yield lock is refreshed. As the hooked 4-piece BCD code is straightforwardly accessible at the yield of KT-3170, it is given as such to the information handling square of the transmitter. These information bits are t hen prepared to encourage nonconcurrent correspondence as clarified beneath. B. Transmitter The 4-piece yield of KT-3170 can not be legitimately transmitted as individual bits as the proposed framework utilizes offbeat method of correspondence. The 4-piece BCD code is in this manner transmitted as casings for appropriate gathering [1]. We have picked an eight piece outline for our framework which comprises of a beginning piece followed by four information bits, an equality bit and two stop bits. Equality bit empowers the framework to recognize any single piece blunder during transmission. Stop bits mark the closure of the edge. The casing is then transmitted utilizing infrared (IR) transmitter. As appeared in Fig. 2, the transmitter fundamentally comprises of two squares which are clarified underneath. 1) Fully Digital Data Processing Block: This square plays out the capacity of changing over individual bits to 8-piece outlines so as to convey offbeat correspondence. First piece of the casing is the beginning piece (taken as 0) which is produced when any of the catches is squeezed. The succeeding 4 bits are the information bits (BCD code) created by the phone interface circuit as clarified previously. Next piece is taken as equality check bit created by XORing the initial 5 bits of the casing. Last 2 bits, named as stop bits, are taken as 1. Following the age of the beginning piece, the information bits are stacked in the corresponding to sequential converter (74165) utilizing a D-type flip-flop (7474) and the casing is transmitted sequentially. 2) IR Transmitter Block: This module transmits the casings enerated in the past segment utilizing an IR emanating diode. The information to be transmitted is adjusted utilizing Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) with a transporter square flood of 38 kHz. The transmission scope of the framework is in this way exceptionally improved over the situation when information is transmitted without adjustment. As the inf ormation handling stage gives legitimate high yield in the inert state, it is refuted before transmission to spare force. Accordingly, a consistent low is really transmitted at whatever point the framework is out of gear state. C. Collector The beneficiary additionally has 2 working states, viz. , inert and dynamic. It stays in the inert state until it recognizes a beginning piece. It at that point gets the casing beginning from the beginning piece and checks for a solitary piece blunder. On the off chance that blunder is distinguished, no move is made and the data must be transmitted again by the client. The got information bits are then decoded which go about as control signals for the activity of different apparatuses. As is obvious from Fig. 3, collector circuit can be partitioned into 3 squares which are clarified beneath. 1) IR Receiver Block: This square gets the transmitted casings and changes over the sign back to Transistor Logic (TTL) levels. A standard 38 kHz IR collector (TSOP 1738) [6] is utilized for this reason. 2) Sampling Clock Generator: The principle capacity of this square is to produce an examining moment at around the center of the transmitted piece stretch. The beginning piece enacts this square and loads counter 1 (4-piece up-counter) with esteem ‘0’. The clock recurrence of this counter is multiple times the bit rate. At the point when the yield of this counter changes from 7 to 8, the most noteworthy piece changes from ‘0’ to ‘1’ and this rising edge is utilized as the testing moment for the information. Start bit additionally stacks the counter 2 (4-piece down-counter) with the casing size I. e. , 8. At the point when this arrives at the worth ‘0’, the entire square is incapacitated and is reactivated just when next beginning piece shows up. 3) Data Sampler and Decoder: The sequential information is tested by the inspecting moment produced in the past stage and is changed over to resemble structure utilizing sequential to resemble converter (74164). This information is then checked for any 1-piece blunders by XORing the bits. On the off chance that mistake is discovered, no move is made and the information must be retransmitted. In the event that no mistakes are discovered, the information is decoded utilizing 4-16 decoder (74154) and he signal is given to the apparatus for the finish of the relating task. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The proposed framework has been completely executed and effectively tried in the standar
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Challenges And Frustrations In A Country Doctor English Literature Essay
Difficulties And Frustrations In A Country Doctor English Literature Essay Franz Kafka’s, â€Å"A nation doctor†is a story that portrays the encounters and difficulties a nation specialist faces as he attempts to do his obligations as the specialist. He experiences different impediments which he has no answer for, however needs to confront them similarly as they seem to be. He sticks to being an aide, wards of abdication, is prepared to forfeit his private life for his expert morals and is constrained in the cruelest manner to perceive the vanity of his exertion (Samon 2002). In this exposition, will distinguish four difficulties and dissatisfactions that go with every that stand up to the specialist. I will likewise clarify why the story might be known as a bad dream at that point in conclusion feature the topics that uncovered from the story. The climate is truly troublesome. It is this period that the specialist battles to take care of a crisis ten miles away during a blizzard. It is this awful climate and depletion that prompted the passi ng of his pony. The passing of the pony enormously baffles the specialist as he can't take care of the alert due to absence of a pony. Toward the end as he returns home, he is still significantly influenced by the day off. The point of view of the patient about his ailment is additionally a major test to the specialist. The patient has abandoned life. At the point when the specialist shows up and takes a gander at the patient, the youngster says, â€Å"doctor, let me die!†This is a complete loss of expectation. The youngster realizes that the nearness of the specialist won't carry any improvement to his wellbeing status. The youngster later asks, â€Å"Will you spare me?†At the end the young fellow tells the specialist that he had next to no trust in him. This is a significant test to the specialist as the debilitated youngster has just surrendered. The specialist is baffled since he can do nothing to the condition of the youngster (John stone 2008). The rising of th e lucky man from the pigsty is one extraordinary test the specialist faces. The man of the hour is an outsider yet extremely ready to help by loaning his pony. Rather than going with the specialist, he won't go with him. Truth be told only the first occasion when he handles Rosa is exceptionally dubious. He scratches her cheek with his teeth. The groom’s activities after the specialist leaves are additionally secretive (Cuizon 2008). The torment the specialist feels about Rosa is additionally an extraordinary test. Rosa was left with a more interesting whom she was not ready to remain with. The specialist needed to settle on a decision between sparing Rosa and taking care of the patient. He chooses to take care of the patient however is every now and again upset intellectually about the province of Rosa and the outsider. The disappointments go further as he has left Rosa in a defenseless state yet his crucial not fruitful (Cuizon 2008). The story may be known as a bad dream d ue to the happenings that occur. The developing of the man of the hour and the ponies from the pigsty is startling. The specialist, who is the proprietor of the pigsty thinks it is relinquished, in certainty Rosa’s remark is humorous; â€Å"one doesn’t know the things one has in one’s own house.†The lucky man is too ready to even consider helping. The depiction of the ponies isn't ordinary; in truth the specialist concedes that he had never utilized such ponies. The speed the ponies run and the time taken for the ten miles is extremely short. The way the patient’s family handles the specialist is additionally alarming. They remove his garments, and afterward drive him to lie in a similar bed with the patient. They at that point close the entryway and leave. What's more, the tune sung by the younger students and the instructor is startling, â€Å"take his garments off, at that point he will recuperate, and in the event that he doesn't fix, slaught er him. It’s just a specialist, it’s just a doctor.†(Cuizon 2008).
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Use the College Essay to Your Advantage College Essay Advisors
How to Use the College Essay to Your Advantage College Essay Advisors How to Use the College Essay to Your Advantage How to Use the College Essay to Your Advantage So, you are settling into your comfy desk chair and cracking your knuckles, ready to start writing. You take a drink of water, open Microsoft Word and stare at the blinking cursor. You suddenly realize: you have no idea what youre supposed to be accomplishing with this essay. Dont worry, we are here to save the day! (Picture us flying through the sky, our capes dancing with the wind.) You should use these essays as an opportunity to say something that hasn’t been said. This is how I FEEL about this thing. This is what is important to me. This is what I value. Maybe you talk about the bonding that occurs in morning car rides shared with your mom, or your nerdy love of experimenting with model rocket ships. Wouldn’t it be fun to detail your all-consuming allergy to processed foods (we are so sorry about that, by the way), or maybe compare your talents and inner qualities to your favorite sports cars? The students who are most successful try to reveal something to admissions officers that they would not be able to find on your transcript. And this doesn’t mean you can’t write about something that already appears on your activity list or in your academic report. What it means is that your essay shouldn’t be about the mission of Habitat for Humanity, or what you did in your community service hours for that organization; rather it should be about how YOUR experience with Habitat for Humanity changed YOUR life in a real and compelling way. What unexpected experience did you have there? How did it make you a more complete and interesting person? If you can’t tell a story that is personal and revelatory, you should consider looking elsewhere for a topic. (Maybe in your own Instagram or Facebook feeds). About CEA HQView all posts by CEA HQ » Want more tips and tricks? Give College Essay Academy a try. TAKE THE COURSE »
How to Use the College Essay to Your Advantage College Essay Advisors
How to Use the College Essay to Your Advantage College Essay Advisors How to Use the College Essay to Your Advantage How to Use the College Essay to Your Advantage So, you are settling into your comfy desk chair and cracking your knuckles, ready to start writing. You take a drink of water, open Microsoft Word and stare at the blinking cursor. You suddenly realize: you have no idea what youre supposed to be accomplishing with this essay. Dont worry, we are here to save the day! (Picture us flying through the sky, our capes dancing with the wind.) You should use these essays as an opportunity to say something that hasn’t been said. This is how I FEEL about this thing. This is what is important to me. This is what I value. Maybe you talk about the bonding that occurs in morning car rides shared with your mom, or your nerdy love of experimenting with model rocket ships. Wouldn’t it be fun to detail your all-consuming allergy to processed foods (we are so sorry about that, by the way), or maybe compare your talents and inner qualities to your favorite sports cars? The students who are most successful try to reveal something to admissions officers that they would not be able to find on your transcript. And this doesn’t mean you can’t write about something that already appears on your activity list or in your academic report. What it means is that your essay shouldn’t be about the mission of Habitat for Humanity, or what you did in your community service hours for that organization; rather it should be about how YOUR experience with Habitat for Humanity changed YOUR life in a real and compelling way. What unexpected experience did you have there? How did it make you a more complete and interesting person? If you can’t tell a story that is personal and revelatory, you should consider looking elsewhere for a topic. (Maybe in your own Instagram or Facebook feeds). About CEA HQView all posts by CEA HQ » Want more tips and tricks? Give College Essay Academy a try. TAKE THE COURSE »
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Law For Social Work Practice Adults And Carers Case...
7SO004 Law for Social Work Practice: Adults and Carers Case Scenario Mrs Durant would be considered a vulnerable adult based on the guidance outlined in ‘No Secrets’ (Department of health (DH) 2000) due to her age, disability and her inability to take care of herself. Within safeguarding adults, no specific Law is currently implemented, which means each Local Authority (LA) will have their own policies that need to be adhered too. Social Work Intervention part 1: Current hospital admission Prior to her admission to hospital, Mrs Durant only received support and care from her neighbours, despite being eligible for community care services. Upon discharge from the hospital, under s.2 and s.5 of The Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) Act (2003), the National Health Service (NHS) acted on their duty to communicate their concerns, the need for community care services and a discharge date to the LA. Information about Mrs Durant would be minimised to retain confidentiality and minimalize bureaucracy. Once delivered the social services would have a duty to assess Mrs Durant within three days. All duties are compulsory and must not be avoided. The LA has a duty to prevent ill treatment towards adults, and case law is present that allows them to use their powers to protect vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect. The statute law, placing a duty upon the LA to assess Mrs Durant’s needs is located in S.47 of NHS Community Care Act (NHSCCA) (1990). Therefore, health andShow MoreRelatedPCF assignment Essay1952 Words  | 8 PagesFramework developed by the social work reform board and owned by The College of Social Work provides a structure to support the career development of every social worker: from initial social work education, through continuing professional development, towards the role of principal social worker. 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How to complete and send your Assessment Save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or USB drive. Work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with yourRead MoreChild Care5680 Words  | 23 Pageschildren are protected from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect, negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation including sexual abuse by those looking after them. Children Act 1989 - Parents and professionals must work to ensure the safety of the child. Local Authority has ‘a duty to investigate when there is a reasonable cause to suspect that a child suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. The Education Act 2002 (s175 and s157) -
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis of Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay
Analysis of Young Goodman Brown nbsp; Young Goodman Brown by Nathanial Hawthorne is a short story that is very interesting, as well as entertaining. This essay will first provide a brief summary of the story, followed by an analysis of the importance of symbolism. The nature of evil will then be discussed as it relates to the control of the mind of a once naive and innocent goodman Brown. The climax of the story will be analyzed and the evil within this passage will be discussed and related to the final downfall of goodman Brown. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; As Young Goodman Brown begins, we are introduced to goodman Brown and his wife Faith as they bid farewell to one another on the†¦show more content†¦As goodman Brown states, `shes a blessed angel on earth; and after this one night, Ill cling to her skirts and follow her to heaven.(pg.577) The fact that goodman Brown claims that she is an angel put here on this earth demonstrates the fact that he doesnt want to associate Faith with the evil he may see in mankind. He uses Faith throughout the story in ironic ways. For example, `Faith kept me back a while(pg.577) can be taken to mean that goodman Brown is late meeting Satan because of his wife or because of his actual faith in the good in himself and mankind. This happens again when goodman Brown cries out, `Faith! My Faith is gone!(pg.581). He could be referring to his wifes encounter with Satan or he could be indicating that he has lost his faith in God or in mankind. A second symbol is Satans staff. It is portrayed as being crooked and black like a serpent. A serpent is thought of as being an evil creature so it is appropriate that Satan be carrying such a staff. It is also symbolic that every living thing Satan touches withers up and dies. This demonstrates how this evil apparition can suck the beauty as well as the life out of anything with which it comes in contact. The dark forest itself symbolizes the dark and evil nature of goodman Browns journey. Finally, the fact that the story takes place in Salem village is ironic in the sense that the Salem witchcraft trials took place there. The town, itself, has a history of being filledShow MoreRelated Formal Analysis of Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay examples845 Words  | 4 PagesA Formal Analysis of Young Goodman Brownnbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown is an interesting short story that creatively tells two stories at once.nbsp; One story is of a man leaving his wife one night and venturing into the woods, and the other is of his struggle with his religious faith.nbsp; In reading this story, it is beneficial for one to look at it from a formalistic point of view.nbsp; Formal analysis makes the reader look closely atRead MoreAnalysis of Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown a Story708 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Young Goodman Brown (Order #A2103550) Christs death and resurrection can be considered only the beginning of his ministry for afterward he instructed his remaining apostles to go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Mt 28:16-20 [New King James Version]) Sixteen centuries later a group of Christians called Puritans would attempt to fulfill this Great Commission by spreading the good news of Christ andRead MoreAn Analysis of Theme in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essays860 Words  | 4 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne, in his short story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†details the frailty of human morality when he has the story’s protagonist (Goodman Brown) journey through the forest on All Hollows Eve to witness/participate in a witches’ Sabbath just to see what evil/sin is all about. During Young Goodman Brown’s journey, his faith is shaken as he witnesses those he respects the most also journeying to and p articipating in the witch’s Sabbath. In â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†Nathaniel Hawthorne demonstratesRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown from a Moral Standpoint1352 Words  | 6 PagesHawthorne discovered that his ancestors were founders and Puritan leaders of the Salem witch trials. Shortly after this tragic finding, he wrote â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†a tale that is considered one of the greatest in American literature. Analyzing Nathaniel Hawthorne’s work from a moral perspective can help illuminate his short story: â€Å"Young Goodman Brown.†Hawthorne was both prideful and embarrassed in the actions of his ancestors. According to Jacqueline Shoemaker, Hawthorne felt pride in seeingRead MoreFiction Essay - Young Goodman Brown and the Lottery1051 Words  | 5 Pagesthorough analysis of Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery†and Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†reveals that different literary elements, such as tone and setting, are used to convey the characters’ arrival at dark, sinister places. II. INTRODUCTION III. SHIRLEY JACKSON’S â€Å"THE LOTTERY†A. Setting the tone: Peaceful and relaxing B. Irony: Even though the mood is relaxing, there is a premonition of something bad to come C. Ending: The ending is implied IV. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE’S â€Å"YOUNGRead More Ambiguity in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay1743 Words  | 7 PagesAmbiguity in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†          There is no end to the ambiguity in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†; this essay hopes to explore this problem.  Peter Conn in â€Å"Finding a Voice in an New Nation†makes a statement regarding Hawthorne’s ambiguity:  Almost all of Hawthorne’s finest stories are remote in time or place. The glare of contemporary reality immobillized his imagination. He required shadows and half-light, and he sought a nervous equilibriumRead More A Critique of Puritanism in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essays635 Words  | 3 PagesYoung Goodman Brown: A Critique of Puritanism Given Nathaniel Hawthornes background, it is not a stretch of the imagination to say that Young Goodman Brown is a critique of Puritanism. Hawthorne lived in the deeply scarred New England area, separated from puritanism by only one generation. His grandfather had been one the judges who presided over the Salem Witch trials. Some of the principle motifs that run through Hawthornes works are hidden sin, the supernatural, and the influenceRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1492 Words  | 6 PagesIn Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story of Young Goodman Brown, the author uses symbolism and allegories in order to showcase the Puritan faith as well as man’s conflict between good and evil. This analysis will breakdown the techniques that the author uses to critique the puritan society, and to show the difference between how people appear to be in society and the true colors that they are hidden inside of them. There has been a lot of great authors in our time, but none more interesting than NathanielRead MoreThe Moral Complexity Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1681 Words  | 7 PagesThe Moral Complexity Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is about a Christian man, the title character who walks through a dark and dreary forest, witnessing some people in his community he thought were godly walking deeper into the â€Å"path of evil.†He has to make a decision whether to keep walking towards the satanic meeting or go back home. The characters Hawthorne chooses have some relation to either the trials or the Christian way of life. Back in the middle 1900s, the society relied heavilyRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown964 Words  | 4 PagesOne: Reader-Response Criticism Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is a short story in which the author attempts to convey several different messages or themes throughout the literary piece. Themes in literary works can sometimes be better understood by analyzing the piece with a specific literary criticism technique. A few of these literary criticism techniques include Marxist, Formalism, and Reader Response just to name a few. Given Hawthorne’s style of writing and this short story in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
You Decide Paper Cultural Diversity Free Essays
We don’t know if their culture will assimilate with our work environment culture. Everyone tends to set a precedent before the new legible candidate is thought of either if they will be male or female or white, black, Hispanic, Asian or Middle Eastern. Employees tend to already, after so many years of working with one another, tend to formulate certain cliques based on age, race and other characteristics even on education background and experiences. We will write a custom essay sample on You Decide Paper Cultural Diversity or any similar topic only for you Order Now For this position sales manager of F-fiber Optics, I want to make an unbiased decision on who I pick for the right ethical reasons and not based on any of those criteria but based on merit, experience, education and of course legality (citizenship). In reading about all of the candidates that eave applied for the sales manager position, I’d have to say that they all had impeccable short bios, but to me only two stuck out from the group. Would have to pick between Lynn the IT Manager and Karen the Sales Representative. They both have some knowledge in Fiber Optics and its engineering and also experience in sales. I think although Lynn would be a great candidate for the job, she would have some trouble acculturating to the job because of her lack of speaking English well and trying to assimilate to our American culture. She would have to catch on fast in order to gain more of respective clients. Her short bio did not state if she was single or had a family, so should be possible candidate to be able to Stay late hours to work on certain projects and to gain clients. The next potential client I would lean closely toward is Karen because of her background graduating in Fiber Optic engineering. She would definitely have a lot of experience in the field and had been awarded the Sales Representative of the year award. She has valid experience in selling and captioning people to want to buy a product. I don’t think she would have any issues in connecting with potential clients. The job calls for having to stay after 5 P. M. I don’t think Karen with just getting married would have that time to want to spend the extra hours at work. Lynn was a math major and minored in computer analysis and just because she wrote a paper on Fiber Optics doesn’t been she is an expert on it. I would ultimately choose Karen the sales rep because she had graduated in the field and I see her possible potential to grow and learn more. She also has experience in sales. I could mold her into how want her to be and this would not only help her but would help me move up the ladder. How to cite You Decide Paper Cultural Diversity, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Self Concept Essay Example For Students
Self Concept Essay Word Count: 477 Self-concept emerges as a child develops an increasingly rich concept of him or herself, separating the notion of I from other people and objects. In addition to he concept of I a child develops a separate notion of Me which has certain defining features and qualities. William James defined Me as one that is observed and perceived. It is the Me that one sees when attention is focused on the self, the Me as an object, represented in self-concepts, in how we see ourselves. The notion of I is represented by actions of an individual. Critics of behavioral therapy note that people may suffer not because their behavior is inadequate but because they evaluate it improperly. Some people have problems with distorted self-concepts more than with performance. These distorted self-concepts can be seen as a person labels himself and reacts to his own behaviors differently than people around him. Thus, many human problems involve a false self-evaluation and self-reaction. The roots of out self-concepts are the evaluations and the impressions of others in their responses to our interaction with them. The significance that a particular event has on individual depends on the concepts that it activates to encode a meaning. This psychological meaning and significance of an event, rather than the event itself, affects its impact on the individual. If a person is exposed to a certain set of train constructs, he will pursue these constructs, and apply them to relevant situation which might which might be different in its context. There are differences between the individuals in the types of constructs the tend to self-activate. Thus, people are different on the constructs that they have which are readily accessible for encoding new event which are relevant to themselves. Self-conceptions may influence how a person behaves in a certain environment. If a person feels that he or she is not welcome in a particular place, they will act aggressively or ignorantly towards others. This notion might not necessarily be true, but since the individual perceives it that way, his or her self-concepts are set. One might behave inappropriately in a certain place while having no idea he is doing so. Although concepts continue to change over time, their foundations form early in life. Bibliography: .
Thursday, April 2, 2020
5 Great Part-Time Jobs for College Students
5 Great Part-Time Jobs for College Students Let’s face it: college isn’t cheap. From tuition, room and board, and books to incidentals like travel expenses, social activities and the occasional beer or two, the costs add up. You could sell your organs, but there are easier ways to make a quick buck. Not only that, but the right part-time job looks terrific on your resume and just may position you for career success after graduation. Let’s take a closer look at five of the best part-time jobs for college students. 1. College Tour GuideJust how good is this gig? USA Today actually ran an article on the many perks of being a tour guide. Not only do you get great swag and access to exclusive events and social networking opportunities, but you also have the opportunity to hone your communication skills. This practice will come in handy whether you’re delivering an in-class presentation or undergoing a job interview.The competition may be steep for these jobs, but the rewards are big, and will continue to pay off in professionalism, confidence and leadership.Even better? According to some reports, college tour guides make as much as $13/hour - not too shabby for backwards walking through the hallowed halls of your institution.2. Library/Computer Lab MonitorLove books? How about peace and quiet? If so, a library monitor position may be the ideal fit for you. Library monitors have a number of different responsibilities - from checking out books at the circulation desk to scanning, sorting and shelving them. Organization is a helpful trait for library monitors, as is helpfulness: you will likely be frequently called upon to help other students do everything from use the school computers to find information on academic topics.If library stacks feel like home to you, a library monitor job may be the perfect fit.Computer monitors and library monitors share many common responsibilities, although computer monitors should also have strong computer literacy.And while library monitors and co mputer lab monitors might not haul in the biggest bucks, they typically come with an ample amount of downtime meaning the opportunity to pursue your own studies while on the job.3. Fitness InstructorIf fitness is already a large part of your life, why not get paid for it? Whether you are devoted to your yoga practice or enjoy the energy of Zumba, university recreation centers are always on the lookout for enthusiastic talent. If you love helping people discover their own personal passion for health and fitness, this job offers the perfect opportunity to make a different while honing your leadership skills and making more than $15/hour.4. Residential AssistantToday’s employers are always on the lookout for tomorrow’s business leaders and innovators. One way to stand out from the crowd? Apply to be a residential assistant (RA).RA positions are coveted, and with good reason: not only is your room and board typically covered as compensation, but this job also gives you the tremendous opportunity to play an important role in the lives of incoming students. You will also have the chance to learn the ins and outs of everything going on around your campus while interacting with diverse people and learning valuable life skills in the process.5. TutorWherever there are students, there are people in need of some extra academic help. Whether you’re an ace at math or a whiz with the written word, there are plenty of opportunities for tutoring jobs - both on and off campus. The hours are flexible and can be done either online or in person.An added benefit? Parents are willing to fork over big bucks to help their kids succeed in in their academic studies. Tutoring is also a great way for you to revisit past materials for mastery.Get paid to share your smarts.There are many great-part time jobs for college students depending on your strengths, skills and interests. Want a jump start on finding the perfect one? Sign up for the TheJobNetwork’s Real- Time job matching, which connects job seekers with employers based on your individual needs and preferences.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free Essays on Dubai-climate
Dubai is a coastal city lying between 22 and 26 degrees north, the United Arab Emirates lies within a sub-region of the northern desert belt, characterized by scanty and erratic rainfall, and high levels for temperature, humidity, and sunshine. Winter sunshine averages eight hours per day, while the summer figure reaches as high as eleven hours a day. Despite this apparently stable climatic picture, the weather does show a remarkable degree of local variability, throwing up thunder storms, fog, gale force winds, sand storms and, of course, rain. The UAE is the first country in the Middle East to introduce the Satellite Delivered Information System technology (SADIS), a weather forecasting technology which covers the globe, with the exception of Polar Zones. According to the National Meteorological Authority (NMA), which is affiliated to the Ministry of Communications, the system supplies data on temperature, humidity, volcanoes and wind directions. It also enables the UAE to receive the latest forecasts for centers all over the world through direct contact with the world center in London. The weather chart during much of the year shows a ridge of high pressure extending southwards into central Saudi Arabia with lower pressure over the eastern Gulf. Prevailing light to moderate north-westerly winds, known by their Arabic name shamal, meaning 'north', are associated with mid-latitude disturbances. Along the western coastal plain, sea breezes tend to dominate with light south-south-easterlies at night being replaced by moderate north-westerlies during daytime. This pattern changes on the east coast where the proximity of the mountains results in gusty and less predictable wind shifts. A good strong blast of northerly shamal is usually preceded in the UAE by strong southerly winds, raising desert sands and reducing visibility. The shift to northerly winds may be quite sudden and can be accompanied by rain, thunder s... Free Essays on Dubai-climate Free Essays on Dubai-climate Dubai is a coastal city lying between 22 and 26 degrees north, the United Arab Emirates lies within a sub-region of the northern desert belt, characterized by scanty and erratic rainfall, and high levels for temperature, humidity, and sunshine. Winter sunshine averages eight hours per day, while the summer figure reaches as high as eleven hours a day. Despite this apparently stable climatic picture, the weather does show a remarkable degree of local variability, throwing up thunder storms, fog, gale force winds, sand storms and, of course, rain. The UAE is the first country in the Middle East to introduce the Satellite Delivered Information System technology (SADIS), a weather forecasting technology which covers the globe, with the exception of Polar Zones. According to the National Meteorological Authority (NMA), which is affiliated to the Ministry of Communications, the system supplies data on temperature, humidity, volcanoes and wind directions. It also enables the UAE to receive the latest forecasts for centers all over the world through direct contact with the world center in London. The weather chart during much of the year shows a ridge of high pressure extending southwards into central Saudi Arabia with lower pressure over the eastern Gulf. Prevailing light to moderate north-westerly winds, known by their Arabic name shamal, meaning 'north', are associated with mid-latitude disturbances. Along the western coastal plain, sea breezes tend to dominate with light south-south-easterlies at night being replaced by moderate north-westerlies during daytime. This pattern changes on the east coast where the proximity of the mountains results in gusty and less predictable wind shifts. A good strong blast of northerly shamal is usually preceded in the UAE by strong southerly winds, raising desert sands and reducing visibility. The shift to northerly winds may be quite sudden and can be accompanied by rain, thunder s...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Innovative Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
Innovative Organisations - Essay Example Its global business far outstretches total sales, leading by about 74% of the total Topcon sales, as per the 2008 fiscal year annual report. Topcon produces many No. 1 products in the international market in the line of Positioning business, Eye Care business and Finetech business. Electronic Total Station in the Positioning business segment is holding the largest share in the global market for providing functionality and performance; it is cost-effective and has product range. The company’s major competitive strategy, according to the company President, Takashi Yokokura, is providing the No. 1 products worldwide quicker than its competitor companies. It has followed â€Å"TM-1†(Time to Market No. 1) business functions to minimise operational processes time to half, speed up business and set benchmarks in quality. Focus is more on increasing technological acumen and marketing functions. Operational processes in R&D, product quality and cost competiveness will be speeded up to attain the specific target of TM-1 Company. Topcon Group’s future growth depends on speeding the product in as less time taken as possible to reach market. Only by following this strategy, Topcon can boost its profit by exactly predicting market requirements and delivering products hassle-free, exceedingly satisfying its customers. In positioning business, Topcon is integrating different technologies – electronic and laser technology into its backbone technology – optical technology, thus, enlarging its business domain with machine control, image analysis and GPS technologies for high-accuracy 3D position information. Topcon has once again set standards by introducing GPT-9000A Series in Total Station. Topcon’s total station is a positioning tool that exactly marks measuring points, offering correct and graphic 3D position displays. The
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Project 3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Project 3 - Research Paper Example Millions of people around the world are currently building online communities through social networks to communicate their shared activities and interests as well as disseminate information. Access to information and privacy is one of the most serious ethical issues that have raised concerns about the characteristics of new media. Incidents of misconduct though breach of privacy and access of private information has been widely reported in recent times, particularly on internet and social networking sites. The issue of ethics and privacy also affects journalism as the growth of new media has ensured that journalism is undergoing a difficult transition from traditional, professional ethics to mixed media ethics with little or no control. This research project investigates privacy as an ethical issue in the digital media. The paper starts by highlighting the research principals, methods and procedures that were applied in collecting the information and reaching the findings on the topic. The paper then presents the findings about privacy as a media ethics concern in the digital media before exploring the context in which the media operates and why security issues remain a concern. Finally, the paper presents a conclusion to the research by summarizing findings and giving brief recommendation. This study utilized qualitative research because of its suitability to generate the information sought in the study. This study was about providing answers and explanations to a social issue, the issue of privacy in relation to ethics in digital media. According to Cresswell (2003), qualitative research emphasizes the process of discovering the way in which social meaning is constructed. Qualitative research is all about meanings, definitions, concepts, characteristics and descriptions of things. This research was all about finding
Monday, January 27, 2020
Theories for Decision Making
Theories for Decision Making Introduction Nowadays, there are different kinds of management techniques among people, especially communicating within a group of people in particular discussion. During the discussion, process in making effective and credible decision is very important in order to draw a result without any conflicts generally. Many people are facing a problem about the usage of group progress, that good and bad decision making may be quite complicated towards some people. Good decision making means that every member will agree with each other in order to work together effectively among their jobs, while bad decision making will be made if people cannot firmly make their decision well and cause vicious effect on their work. Although there are many group members, especially leaders of group try their best to discover more ways to cooperate with colleagues, while conflicts still can be found everywhere due to different viewpoints and ideas are firmly held in someone’s mind (Collin et al., 2012).. However, no matter you are alone, or even being a part of group, your decision making may still be affected as own decision making can be easily affected by group’s opinion. Therefore being a group leader, they should know how to form good decision making, and how to prevent bad decision making during the discussion process. From past to now, many social psychologists have point out that good decision making can be drawn if well-organised and critical thinking should be found in group leaders, even members. In the essay below, some relevant theories and critical explanations will be combined in order to provide an informational discussion on how to making good and bad decision (Busenitz Barney, 1997). Moreover research evidences may also be used in supporting the process for good decision making, and the reason why people may draw such bad decision during discussions. This kind of organisations can provide a critical and informative essay in discussing the procedures within g ood and bad decision making in the group. Path to make good decisions (Relevant Theories) In the past few decades, there are many social psychologists point out that some personal mental behaviours may affect the discussion, especially making decision among team members. Zajonc claim that if there are any appropriate response or arousal, group performance and members can be enhanced (Zajonc, 1965). Therefor the Drive Theory of Social Facilitation (Zajonc, 1965) can welly explain the reason why people would like to generate better decision while group members can provide good environment and decision. Because this kind of way can evaluate apprehension during discussion, in order to reduce conflicts and worries, which can let group members be more relax to make good decision (Seo Barrett, 2007). Being a member in a group, many cases show that they cannot have effective communication among those team members as they will keep holding their own ideas or viewpoints, then it may cause lots of conflicts in arguing for decision making in particular issue. In this situation, facilitators and bystanders are required among disussion in order to provide another viewpoints, which is different from the insiders. According to Bibb Latane and John Darley (1970), People, especially bystanders among the situation may have higher chance to perform better behaviours and make good decision, when they are facing any emergency situation in the society (Latane Darley, 1968). Regarding to the Emergency Norm Theory, bystanders may have higher chance to help other people, which be pointed out that people will be persuaded to aid those needs. In similar, facilitators in a group take the role to identify those problems with a third-person view that may not suffer in any bias. Facilitators should not be directive in any ideas as they should stay outside and provide independent opinion. In the office environment, each team members, or colleagues should work together that without any bias. Then third-person view and special ideas may be made during particular discussion between each other (Bickman, 1971). Therefore people should ensure their own psychological status in order to maintain stable discussion behind conflicts. Before making good decision during a series of discussion, deep understanding of particular discussion topic is very important as pointed out by Kurt Lewin. Lewin said â€Å"You cannot understand a system until you try to change it†, it means that changing of mental and physical behaviour is useful for a team to draw effective and powerful decision among different kinds of conflicts. Moreover leaders who really want to form good decision within their own group, working environment should be well designed because behaviour is a combination of individuals and proper environment, which is proposed by Lewin (Brug et al., 2006). At the beginning of changes or even discussion, separate discussions within subgroups are required as it can provide sufficient spaces for members to discuss their own ideas in order to form a small conclusion. After that proper support and mind setting should be given towards group member or colleagues, therefore they can have more effective ways to mainta in and try their best to have new job or make any decision under harmonious decision making process. In order to provide more effectiveness of their own points of view, those social psychologists have already pay more efforts in generate several research and conduct different experiment to point out their power of theories. Path to make good decision (Relevant Researches) According to Zajonc’s cockroaches experiment which explain the behaviour of a group of cockroaches in tacking different level of tasks, in order to point out the changes of human behaviours during group processing. During the experiment, cockroaches are assigned a simple task and a more difficult task for them to complete while a group cockroaches will need to be do it together. Zajonc (1969) would like to find out whether a group can provide better results in these kinds of task or not. However, Zajonc found out that group of cockroaches can complete a simple tasks under the social facilitation while they cannot complete such difficult tasks in front of their peers under social inhibition (Zajonc et al., 1970). Generally, the basic concepts and usage of theory can be wisely applied into human being as these kinds of behaviours can also be found on a group of people during discussion, especially decision making. Because people would like to perform well in front of other people in order to gain confidence and recognition, however people cannot be compare with cockroaches due to higher intelligence ability can be on human being than that on cockroaches (Zajonc, Wolosin, Wolosin Sherman, 1968). Apart from Zajonc’s studies, Bibb Latene and John Darley (1970) have done an experiment in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of bystander intervention, which means people would like to help others who need helps. In real life situation, people definitely give a helping hand towards people who are suffering in distress, such as destruction caused by natural disasters and problems carried by human disasters. In addition, the experiment have also stated out that fewer people will help others in emergency if the group size become larger. Therefore leaders should prevent oversize of each group, and they may put two to four people in a group, while several subgroups should be used in order to maintain better communication and decision making (Petty et al., 1977). Although Latene and Darley pointed out that increasing in size of group while decreasing in percentage of helps generally, the results generated in experiment may not be suitable to be applied on people nowadays. The r eason is the experiment had been done in 1970s, which may be quite far from past to now, and the situation would not be well to compare with 21st century. People would like to help each other even the group size is greater than 6, such as most of the Hong Kong citizens would like to participate in helping re-construction of destroyed building after disasters, even donation of money, therefore it may not be possible to explain human behaviours nowadays (Latane, B., Darley, J. M., 1968). During the discussion, good decision making will not be the only products among group members, conflicts may be found within insufficient communication and impartial viewpoints of leaders. So bad decision making may be discovered and it has already been explained by several social psychologists with several theories in the past decades. Path to make bad decision (Relevant Theories) First of all, Solomon Asch had also pointed out that people would like to follow the other’s opinion, especially the majority ideas. During the discussion progress, group members are generally compelled by the authority in order to fit their expected results (Laughlin, 1988). In most of cases, team members would try their best to persuade themselves and pretend themselves to agree with the majority opinion, while throw their own personal ideas. This kinds of action stated that the reason why they would like to follow majority decision is they do not want to be such minority, which may be easily shamed by those eye contact from other team members. Therefore leaders should prevent team members agree with each other easily and shortly, as it means that they just follow others ideas and wish to form the results which fit the need of authority (Asch, 1951) In most of the discussion cases, it may be very strange that group members can only spend a few time to conduct their discussion, and decision can be made in such an easy way as they said to leaders. Because of this, good decision cannot be made wisely due to such inappropriate discussion method and it will not able to solve their own problems. As said by Irving Janis (1982), group members may not wish to point out their own ideas as they think that their opinion should fit the need of their leader, even boss. They will only filter such undesirable input in order to give out some results which may be similar to leader’s viewpoint. Within this situation, decision that made by those group members should not be the true opinion from themselves, these kinds of decision are just the expected result of leaders, therefore good and fair decision which are agreed with all members may not able to be made by the whole group (Janis, 1972). During the development of human being, they are born to obey norms, which is given out by any authorities. Stanley Milgram stated out that people will follow the instructions which are told by other people, especially those authorities such as government. Conformism can be the reason why those people would like to obey the rules or even instruction that proposed by other authorities agencies (Milgram, 1978). In the discussion, if the leaders or boss point out that they expect people to perform the particular results and decision, most of the group members would like to follow its information and form that expected decision. It may not be beneficial towards the whole group because decision making do not include any bystanders’ ideas, while the whole progress of decision making is based on the expected opinion from leaders. Therefore pre-decision should not be include in the discussion, even during decision making. Role and Rules are very important among the normal life, especially the situation of discussion and decision making as different people will take responsibility to act as particular role during the discussion. Stanley Zimbardo pointed out that great changes can be found if good people are put into bad environment. And it means that extreme changes in social environment can definitely affect the movement of everyone (Zimbardo et al., 2000). Within the working environment, if there are only a small amount of members who are willing to propose positive and effective ideas towards the group, even company, the proper decision also may not be made as they are being surrounded by those negative ideas. Because of the majority in the group is fulfilling negative mind of the discussion, it will affect the other who have positive ideas. Therefore those subordinate position would be summit to the authority, which is the leader or boss. Regarding to this kind of problems, good decision making should not be found because there will not have proper and non-directive discussion due to the power of such social situation is really affect the disposition of people and all of the members who hold positive idea will be compelled to agree with the majority. Then in order to have better process in making good decision, no matter leaders or boss should put more efforts on enhance colleagues’ attitude. Regarding to explain deeply about the related theories, several social psychologist have already done quite a lot experiment or researches in order to explain their viewpoints wisely. Path to make bad decision (Relevant Researches) In Asch’s research which was conducted in 1955, it can definitely point out that most of the people included in the experiment would like to follow the majority among the decision making within groups. Because they try their best to fit the expected answer that can truly explain with some real life example nowadays, there are still quite a lot of people would like to follow the majority among groups within the society generally. However, this experiment was conducted during the cultural environment of 1950s America, it still had a fluctuated changes in the results when it was applied in different time ranges. Therefore statistics in this experiment cannot be used exactly in 21st century, while its concept and basic information can be wisely apply into the daily life generally. Within both Zimbardo and Milgram’s experiments and researches, they have generally explained the concept of conformity of people. First of all, a large group of people are divided into two subgroups in order to act as guards and prisoners respectively for a period of time. The experiment can definitely point out the role and rules ideas, while heightening anonymity and dehumanization behaviours. However those people who act as prisoners have already been suffered in several kinds of psychological problems after six days, therefore the experiment was forced to be stopped (Zimbardo, Maslach Haney, 2000). Apart from this, Milgram’s shock experiment has stated that people would like to obey other authority, even they know that these kinds of decision may not be appropriate within their own personal mind. Although Milgram’s research pointed out many effective explanation in conformism, criticism can be found in his experiment. In this experiment, Milgram only use a group of American to conduct this shock experiment while it cannot represent the whole population in the world, because there will be a difference among other countries. America and European countries will be much obedience and similar described as Milgram’s result, while Asian and Muslim countries are less obedience as Milgram’s experiment. Both of the researches from Zimbardo and Milgram are very remarkable and supportive in the field of social psychology nowadays. Although some ethical concerns and cross-cultural validity may need to be aware, some ideas and concepts still have their value in conducting continuous studies in related studies. Conclusion To conclude, making a good decision is quite difficult during the particular discussion, because bad decision making may be easily found if leaders do not communicate and cooperate well with each other. In order to make good decision, leaders should not take all the responsibilities to make decision, while they are required to give out some power to colleagues, that can let them have their own ideas and opinion about own mission. Otherwise all of the group members will just follow the decision of leaders before such kind of discussion, and those expected results will be generate without any agreement between each other (Higgins, 2000). In order to enhance effectiveness in making good decision, different subgroups are required if the whole size of group is too large. Because every group member cannot communicate well within the oversize groups, and leaders may discuss with subgroups respectively before the whole meeting, even decision making (Øvretveit, 1995). These kinds of situation can prevent blindly obedience to that authority, which can provide more chance for leaders and members to communicate during discussion before making any decision. Therefore good decision making is the responsibility of group leaders, while each group members are needed to put more efforts in communicating between each other within every complicated progress (Gerrig, 2013). References Asch, S. E. (1951). Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgments. Groups, leadership, and men, 222-236. Bickman, L. (1971). The effect of another bystanders ability to help on bystander intervention in an emergency. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 7(3), 367-379. Busenitz, L. W., Barney, J. B. (1997). Differences between entrepreneurs and managers in large organizations: Biases and heuristics in strategic decision-making. Journal of business venturing, 12(1), 9-30. Brug, J., van Lenthe, F. J., Kremers, S. P. (2006). Revisiting Kurt Lewin: how to gain insight into environmental correlates of obesogenic behaviors. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 31(6), 525-529. Collin, C., Grand, V., Benson, N., Lazyan, M., Ginsburg, J., Weeks, M. (2012).The psychology book. (pp. 216-257). London, England: Dorling Kindersley Limited. Gerrig, R. J. (2013).Psychology and life. (20th ed., pp. 447-472). the United States of America: Pearson Education, Inc. Higgins, E. T. (2000). Making a good decision: value from fit. American Psychologist, 55(11), 1217. Janis, I. L. (1972). Victims of groupthink: A psychological study of foreign-policy decisions and fiascoes. Latane, B., Darley, J. M. (1968). Group inhibition of bystander intervention in emergencies. Journal of personality and social psychology, 10(3), 215. Laughlin, P. R. (1988). Collective induction: Group performance, social combination processes, and mutual majority and minority influence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(2), 254. Milgram, S. (1978). Obedience to authority. Petty, R. E., Harkins, S. G., Williams, K. D., Latanà ©, B. (1977). The effects of group size on cognitive effort and evaluation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 3(4), 579-582. Seo, M. G., Barrett, L. F. (2007). Being emotional during decision makingâ€â€good or bad? An empirical investigation. Academy of Management Journal, 50(4), 923-940. Zajonc, R. B., Wolosin, R. J., Wolosin, M. A., Sherman, S. J. (1968). Individual and group risk-taking in a two-choice situation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 4(1), 89-106. Zajonc, R. B., Wolosin, R. J., Wolosin, M. A., Loh, W. D. (1970). Social facilitation and imitation in group risk-taking. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 6(1), 26-46. Zimbardo, P. G., Maslach, C., Haney, C. (2000). Reflections on the Stanford prison experiment: Genesis, transformations, consequences. Obedience to authority: Current perspectives on the Milgram paradigm, 193-237. Øvretveit, J. (1995). Team decision-making. Journal of Interprofessional care, 9(1), 41-51.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Joy Luck Club :: essays research papers
The Joy Luck Club      The Joy luck club was a book written by Amy Tan. The story is set here in America and in China and is set in the 1940's and also takes place now. The book is about four Asian women who fled china and their Americanized daughters.      There are eight main characters four of which were mothers and four of which were daughters. They were Suyuan Woo, Ying-yang St. Clair, An-mei Hsu, and Lindo Jong, who were the mothers, and the daughters Jing-mei Woo, Rose Hsu Jordan, Waverly Jong, Lena St. Clair. In the book it tells the story of each of the mothers and what they went through from the eyes of their daughters.      The book mostly focuses on Jing-mei Woo, who takes the place of her mother in the Joy Luck Club meetings after the death of her mother. In the meetings with the other mothers she reminisced about her mother and heard new stories about her mother she had never heard before. She hears stories of how it was her mother came to America and what she left behind in China.      The book starts off in China with a woman imagining what life in America raising a daughter would be like. Hoping that she would be an American but still have her Chinese heritage. But in the end her daughter turns out to be as Americanized as they come not realizing her Chinese heritage. This makes it so that they don't communicate very well and makes it so they don't know very much about each other.      This book shows that now days the traditions of the older generations are slowly being filtered out by the younger generations. An example in the book is when one of the mothers had her marriage pre-arranged by her parents and a friend of the family and the fact that she accepted the marriage.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Powder by Tobias Wolff Essay
One of the most renowned American writers, Tobias Wolff is known mainly for his work on the memoir, and short stories. He was part of a new wave of writers, including Andre Dubus and Raymond Carver, who ushered in a novel style of fiction writing, which is all at once real yet incredible, grounded yet detached, but always engaging. Wolff wrote his short story â€Å"Powder†as part of his 1996 collection entitled The Night In Question. There are only two major characters in the storyâ€â€the teenaged narrator and his father, and everything takes place within the area of Mount Baker, a skiing resort. The fact that the boy’s parents were on the verge of divorce is established early on, and some of the implied reasons lie in the father’s character. Three descriptions were used in the first few paragraphs of the story that alluded to the fatherâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"he had to fight for the privilege†, â€Å"he wouldn’t give up†, and â€Å"he was indiff erent to my fretting†. These three descriptive phrases convey a picture of a man with an aggressive nature, and would always pursue what he wants; this is proven by his keeping the flashy Austin-Healey, by insisting on taking his son to a club, and by being focused on bringing him homeâ€â€so as not to get his wife’s ire, for he believes they would still be able to patch things up. At the end of the story, it is the son himself who uses several adjectives on his fatherâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"rumpled, kind, bankrupt of honor, flushed with certainty. He was a great driver. All persuasion, nor coercion.†After reading the story in its entirety, one would be able to associate the seemingly carefree and spontaneous characterization of the father to his being a man of gentle manner, yet gregarious tone; what his son lacked in youthfulness and spirit, he completely made up for. The methods of character development, as applied to the story, further examines the contrasting personalities of father and son: Narrative summary without judgment. While the father is almost explicitly judged through specific mentions of behavior and mindsets, the son, being the narrator, only reveals his true character of being methodical and systematic at the end of the story. The reader will only assume him to be a young boy easily influenced by his father. Narrative description with implied or explicit judgment. Exactly the way the father is discussed, as mentioned previously. Surface details of dress and appearance. For the father, the main points would be his Austin-Healey, and his son’s mention of his being rumpled, kind, and forty-eight years old. The son is later described, through his system with his clothes hangers, as being forward-thinking and methodical, and not exactly one who would take risks. Character’s actionsâ€â€what they do. The father is eager, spontaneous, and has no regard for rules, except when already in dire straits. Character’s speechâ€â€what they say. Using words like â€Å"Vamanos†, and â€Å"Buck up†shows the casual personality of the father, and the boy’s prim manner and speech validates his guarded nature. While the father’s character seems to be the more â€Å"explored†of the two, it simply shows their contrasting personalities, and how unusual these are for a child and an adult. But in truth, the concept of fresh powder represents the boy’s realization about new and uncharted territories far beyond his always-prepared itinerary. Without his father, who believes in persuading people to given in or help, the boy would have never seen how things are not always measured and studied, and that often one has to see where the road will take him.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Cultural Issues of Human Resource Management - 4615 Words
International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 5. No. 2 August, 2007 Page 45 Carrying Cultural Baggage: the contribution of socio-cultural anthropology to cross-cultural coaching Barbara St Claire-Ostwald, CINCRA International Coaching Training Consultancy, UK Email Contact: Abstract This study examines the cultural awareness of professionals working in organisations. Given the multicultural nature of today’s workforce, it is becoming increasingly important for companies and coaches alike to take into account how cross-cultural differences may affect daily working practices. The study draws on a review of current research into cultural dimensions and looks at the complex relationship between†¦show more content†¦Thus, one could argue that the socioanthropological perspective on culture takes a holistic view, describing culture as a pattern of learned and shared behaviours of people and/or groups consisting of belief systems and languages; and of social relationships be they personal, organisational, or institutional. (Hall, 1963; Hall and Hall, 1987; Hofstede, 1980; Kondo, 1990; Levi-Strauss, 1966; Schwartz, 1994). Therefor e, at a fundamental level, it could be argued that culture is a representation of a complete way of life of a people who share the same attitudes, values and practices. Csikszentmihalyi (1997, p.7) makes the distinction of ‘identity’ by using snowflakes as a metaphor: â€Å"They look identical as they fall, but taking a closer look, we soon discover that they are not identical†. Hence, he argues, rather than seeing identity as a single unitary self, perhaps cultural identity should be viewed as being multi-faceted, i.e. acknowledging that people have a number of selves or identities depending on context and setting. For example, the biggest barrier individuals and/or employees encounter is not necessarily that they come from different parts of the world, or that they speak a different language or even occupy a different physical space, it is the baggage they carry in their own cultural suitcases which needs to be explored. Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner maintain that what peopleShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis And Practical Applications Of Strategic Human Resource Management Essay1348 Words  | 6 Pagesstrategic human resource management in Hansells Case study Hansells Case study In most companies, one of the primary goals is to produce world class and quality products. 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